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      * Guyana Soca Express (GSE)
      * Haiti Feeder (PAP)
      * Lesser Antilles Feeder (LAF)
      * Lesser Antilles Guyana (LAG)
      * Manaus-Pecem Express (MPE)
      * Montego Bay - Cayman Express (MCX)
      * Montego Bay - Haiti Express (MHX)
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      * Piraeus Durres Feeder (GAX)
      * Piraeus Limassol Express Service 2 (PLE)
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 * ZIM Shipping Line Network
   * Asia - Africa
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     * Far East Africa Express Line II (FA2)
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     * Far East To South Africa Express II (SA2)
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     * Central America Caribbean Service (CCS)
     * East Caribbean Express (EC1)
     * Guaranao Maracaibo Express (GMX)
     * Guyana Soca Express (GSE)
     * Haiti Feeder (PAP)
     * Lesser Antilles Feeder (LAF)
     * Lesser Antilles Guyana (LAG)
     * Manaus-Pecem Express (MPE)
     * Montego Bay - Cayman Express (MCX)
     * Montego Bay - Haiti Express (MHX)
     * Netherland Antilles Express (NAX)
     * Ocean Bridge Xpress (OBX)
     * Venezuela Line (VEL)
     * West Coast Central America (WCA)
   * Intra Asia
     * China India Express I (CI1)
     * China India Express III (CI3)
     * China India Express IV (CI4)
     * China India Express Service (NIX)
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     * Indonesia Thailand Express (ITS)
     * Kolkta Chittagong Express Shutle (GKC)
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     * Piraeus - Limassol Express Service (PLX)
     * Piraeus Durres Feeder (GAX)
     * Piraeus Limassol Express Service 2 (PLE)
     * Port Said - Ashdod Shuttle (PAS)
     * Turkey Levant Service (TLS)
     * Turkey Poti Service (TPS)
     * Turkiye Black Sea Express (TBX)
     * Turkiye Varna Service (TBS)
     * Tyrrhenian Container Line (TYR)
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     * Mediterranean Gulf Express (MGX)
     * ZIM Container Italy Service (ZCI)
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     * ZIM Container Turkiye (ZCT)
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     * Valencia Marroco Feeder Line (ZMF)
     * ZIM North Europe Israel (ZNI)
     * ZIM North Europe Turkiye (ZNT)
   * Mediterranean - South America East Coast
     * South America Mediterranean Ser. (SAM)
   * South America - North America
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     * ZIM Colibri Express (ZCX)
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ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. is one of the leading carriers in the
global container shipping industry. ZIM operates a modern fleet and a network of
shipping lines offering cargo transportation services on all major global trade
routes, supported by the company's local offices and representatives around the

© 2018 ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. | All rights reserved



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In these challenging times, our thoughts and concerns are with Israel and its

ZIM’s operations and services everywhere, including to and from Israel, are
continuing without interruptions!

As a global company, our 4,500 employees around the world serve more than 34,000
customers globally, shipping to more than 200 ports in 90 countries.

Our priority is supporting our employees in Israel and ensuring their safety and
security, while continuing to meet the needs of our customers with an
unrelenting focus on strict operational standards.

More information on Israel-related services, can be found here