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              <p class="lead well">Explore the future of housing at the Pacific Coast Builders Conference, the premier event for California's homebuilding industry. Engage with the people, companies and products driving innovative new solutions to
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Engage with influential individuals and drive your business to new heights. Join the movement, shape the future of homebuilding, and contribute to building a brighter future for housing.--></p>
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                  <p>Start each day with a jolt of inspiration. These are the can't-miss sessions your peers will be buzzing about. Open to all attendees.</p>
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                  <p><strong>California Building Industry Association</strong><br>For over 60 years, CBIA has presented PCBC to unite the homebuilding Industry.</p>
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                  <p>The Leader-to-Leader Forum is an exchange of ideas and perspectives at the highest levels of homebuilding. Participation is by invitation only, and seats are limited to preserve a small, interactive environment. </p>
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                  <h3>Gold Nugget Awards</h3>
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                  <p><strong>The oldest and most prestigious residential design awards in the nation.</strong> Recognizing those who improve our communities through exceptional concepts in design, planning and development</p>
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                  <p>Reach an audience of the largest, most influential builders and developers in the country—93% of whom recommend or have final say on purchasing decisions.</p>
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                          <p>PCBC 2023 was well attended and I enjoyed catching up with many in the industry. The smaller format enabled meaningful meetings with manufacturers. I have signed two national agreements as a result of the show. To me,
                            PCBC is the best trade show in our industry.</p>
                          <footer>VP National Purchasing<cite title="Source Title"></cite></footer>
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                          <p>Ton of traffic, great customers and great feedback at our booth.</p>
                          <footer>Director of National Accounts, Mohawk<cite title="Source Title"></cite></footer>
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                          <p>We had some great progress with builders on closing deals and making an impact on their decision-making process</p>
                          <footer>Exhibitor Survey, 2023<cite title="Source Title"></cite></footer>
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                <h1 class="savethedate"><strong style="color: #4b8497;">Registration Opens Feb&nbsp;11:</strong><br>
                  <small><a href="https://www.pcbc.com/PCBC/public/Content.aspx?ID=606&amp;sortMenu=106002">View Pricing</a></small>
                <p><strong>June 10-11, 2020<br> Moscone Center, San Francisco</strong></p>
                <p>PCBC is where business gets done. Home to the largest builders in the nation, decision-makers come to see and buy housing's latest product innovations.</p>
                <p><a class="btn btn-default btn-block btn-lg btn-blue" href="https://www.pcbc.com/PCBC/public/Content.aspx?ID=567&amp;sortMenu=106002" target="_blank">Become an Exhibitor </a>
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                <h4><a href="https://www.pcbc.com/PCBC/public/Content.aspx?ID=564">21st&nbsp;Annual Leader-to-Leader Forum</a></h4>
                <p><strong>Monday, June 8 – Tuesday, June 9, 2020<br> San Francisco</strong></p>
                <p>An invitation-only summit for CEOs and senior executives from America’s leading&nbsp;homebuilding and community development companies.</p>
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                <h4><a href="https://www.pcbc.com/PCBC/public/Content.aspx?ID=560">2019 Hall of Fame Gala</a></h4>
                <p><strong>Tuesday, June 9, 2020</strong><br>
                  <strong>San Francisco</strong>
                <p>California Homebuilding Foundation’s premier gala honoring frontrunners&nbsp;in the homebuilding industry.</p>
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                <h4><a href="https://www.pcbc.com/PCBC/public/Content.aspx?ID=559">56th Annual Gold Nugget Awards</a></h4>
                <p><strong>Thursday, June 11, 2020<br> Moscone Center, San Francisco </strong></p>
                <p>The nation’s oldest and most prestigious design awards, recognizing those who improve our communities&nbsp;through design, planning and development.</p>
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                    your spot now on the Exhibit Floor: a hub of sales productivity that creates opportunities for you to connect with the most influential decision-makers and buyers in the homebuilding industry.</p>
                  <div class="readMore"><a href="https://www.pcbc.com/PCBC/CUSTOM/Exhibits/ExhibitorProspectus.pdf">Download the Exhibitor Prospectus (PDF) &gt;&gt;</a></div>
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                  <h2><a href="https://www.pcbc.com/pcbc/public/Content.aspx?ID=559&amp;sortMenu=105001">Gold Nugget Call for Entries Now Open</a></h2>
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                    as the “Academy Awards” of the building industry, PCBC's Gold Nugget Awards are presented annually to the top innovators in design, planning and development. The competition is open to builders, developers, architects, and land
                    planners with communities and projects across the United States and internationally.</p>
                  <div class="readMore"><a href="https://www.pcbc.com/pcbc/public/Content.aspx?ID=559&amp;sortMenu=105001">Enter Your Project Now &gt;&gt;</a></div>
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                    Data companies help developers and real estate agents develop a much more nuanced look at neighborhoods and who potential buyers are. These companies move beyond demographics to psychographics—a more detailed look at what a
                    potential buyer needs to flip the switch from prospect to sale.</p>
                  <div class="readMore"><a href="https://www.pcbc.com/PCBC/CUSTOM/images/show/2019/TechReport5-Mobile.pdf">Read the Article Now &gt;&gt;</a></div>
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                  <h2><a href="https://www.pcbc.com/PCBC/public/Content.aspx?ID=546&amp;sortMenu=103008">Why Attend PCBC 2020</a></h2>
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width: 100px; 
height: 150px; 
border-width: 1px; 
border-style: solid;"> </a>From the expansive exhibits floor to specialized education conferences, PCBC has every aspect of the industry covered. It’s where you’ll learn about business management and building sciences and tap into economic and
                    industry forecasts to help you keep ahead of your competitors.</p>
                  <div class="readMore"><a href="https://www.pcbc.com/PCBC/public/Content.aspx?ID=546&amp;sortMenu=103008">Learn More &gt;&gt;</a></div>
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                    <strong>PCBC 2024 </strong><br> June 17-18: Pre-Conference Events<br> June 19-20: Exhibits and Conferences<br> Anaheim Convention Center, California
                  <p> PCBC is presented by the <strong>California Building Industry Association (CBIA)</strong> in partnership with <strong>Leading Builders of America (LBA)</strong>. </p>
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Anaheim Convention Center
June 19-20, 2024

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   * Gold Nugget Awards
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PCBC 2024

June 19 & 20 Anaheim, California

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Explore the future of housing at the Pacific Coast Builders Conference, the
premier event for California's homebuilding industry. Engage with the people,
companies and products driving innovative new solutions to our greatest
challenges. Created in partnership with Leading Builders of America, PCBC is
where serious business gets done.


June 17-18: Pre-Conference Events
June 19-20: Tradeshow and Conference
Anaheim Convention Center, California


Start each day with a jolt of inspiration. These are the can't-miss sessions
your peers will be buzzing about. Open to all attendees.


California Building Industry Association
For over 60 years, CBIA has presented PCBC to unite the homebuilding Industry.


The Leader-to-Leader Forum is an exchange of ideas and perspectives at the
highest levels of homebuilding. Participation is by invitation only, and seats
are limited to preserve a small, interactive environment.


The oldest and most prestigious residential design awards in the nation.
Recognizing those who improve our communities through exceptional concepts in
design, planning and development


Reach an audience of the largest, most influential builders and developers in
the country—93% of whom recommend or have final say on purchasing decisions.


> PCBC 2023 was well attended and I enjoyed catching up with many in the
> industry. The smaller format enabled meaningful meetings with manufacturers. I
> have signed two national agreements as a result of the show. To me, PCBC is
> the best trade show in our industry.
> VP National Purchasing

> Ton of traffic, great customers and great feedback at our booth.
> Director of National Accounts, Mohawk

> We had some great progress with builders on closing deals and making an impact
> on their decision-making process
> Exhibitor Survey, 2023

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June 10-11, 2020
Moscone Center, San Francisco

PCBC is where business gets done. Home to the largest builders in the nation,
decision-makers come to see and buy housing's latest product innovations.

Become an Exhibitor Request Information




Monday, June 8 – Tuesday, June 9, 2020
San Francisco

An invitation-only summit for CEOs and senior executives from America’s
leading homebuilding and community development companies.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020
San Francisco

California Homebuilding Foundation’s premier gala honoring frontrunners in the
homebuilding industry.


Thursday, June 11, 2020
Moscone Center, San Francisco

The nation’s oldest and most prestigious design awards, recognizing those who
improve our communities through design, planning and development.



Reserve your spot now on the Exhibit Floor: a hub of sales productivity that
creates opportunities for you to connect with the most influential
decision-makers and buyers in the homebuilding industry.

Download the Exhibitor Prospectus (PDF) >>


Known as the “Academy Awards” of the building industry, PCBC's Gold Nugget
Awards are presented annually to the top innovators in design, planning and
development. The competition is open to builders, developers, architects, and
land planners with communities and projects across the United States and

Enter Your Project Now >>


Data companies help developers and real estate agents develop a much more
nuanced look at neighborhoods and who potential buyers are. These companies move
beyond demographics to psychographics—a more detailed look at what a potential
buyer needs to flip the switch from prospect to sale.

Read the Article Now >>


From the expansive exhibits floor to specialized education conferences, PCBC has
every aspect of the industry covered. It’s where you’ll learn about business
management and building sciences and tap into economic and industry forecasts to
help you keep ahead of your competitors.

Learn More >>

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PCBC 2024
June 17-18: Pre-Conference Events
June 19-20: Exhibits and Conferences
Anaheim Convention Center, California

PCBC is presented by the California Building Industry Association (CBIA) in
partnership with Leading Builders of America (LBA).


 * View Registration Options
 * Become an Exhibitor
 * 2024 Floorplan
 * Get Updates



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copying of any content is prohibited. Privacy policy.



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