elections.delaware.gov Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://elections.delaware.gov/index.shtml
Submission: On May 03 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

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 * about 
   * About Elections
   * Calendars
   * Commissioner's Letter
   * FAQs
 * Services 
   * Absentee Statement
   * Absentee Voting
   * Campaign Finance
   * Candidates
   * FOIA
   * Uniformed & Overseas
   * Voter Registration
 * Information 
   * Ballot Qualified Candidates - State Elections
   * Elections
   * Elections Calendars
   * Election Law
   * Election Results
   * Forms & Publications
   * Maps
   * Municipal Elections
   * Post-Election Audits
   * Presidential Primary
   * Voter Registration Data
   * Voting Machines
   * Working at the Polls
 * Social 
   * Facebook
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 * Contact Us 
   * Directory and Locations




Voter Portal
Register to vote
Request an Absentee Ballot
and more


Voting Location & Districts
Lookup by Address Tool
Find your Polling Place
& Early Voting Sites,
Districts & District Maps

Campaign Finance Reporting
Certification of Intention
Register a Committee


Public Notices
Public notices, information about public meetings, and more


Special, General, Primary, Presidential Primary, Municipal, School Board, School
Referenda, Election Officer Information


Voter Services
Voter Registration, Voting, Absentee Voting, UOCAVA Voters, Accessible Voting
Information and Resources


Candidate Services
Campaign Finance, Election Law, Candidate Lists, Filing, Ballot Info, Voter
Registration reports, and Campaign FAQ


School Board Elections, Referendums, Result Archives, Voting, Calendars, FAQs,
and Candidate Filing


Municipal Elections, Notices, and Other Resources


Delaware FirstMap, Senate Districts, House Districts, Counties, School
Districts, and Other Resources


Forms & Publications
Forms, Publications, Requests, Applications, Templates, Instructions, Documents,
PDFs and More


Elections Results Reporting For Current And Prior Elections




Link/QRCategoryDescription launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2010
General Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2010
President of New Castle County Council Special Election Candidate List launch
modal dialog with QR codecandidates2010 State Primary Election Candidate List
launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2012 General Election Candidate List
launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2012 Presidential Primary Election
Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2012 State Primary
Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2014 General
Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2014 State
Primary Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2015
Representataive District 18 Special Election Candidate List launch modal dialog
with QR codecandidates2016 General Election Candidate List launch modal dialog
with QR codecandidates2016 New Castle County Council District 1 Special Election
Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2016 Presidential
Primary Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2016
State Primary Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidates2017 Kent County Levy Court District 2 Special Election Candidate
List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2018 State Senate District 10
Special Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2020
Filing Fees launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2020 General Election
Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2020 General Election
Declared Write-In Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2020
State Primary Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidates2021 School Board Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with
QR codecandidates2022 Filing Fees launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2022
General Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2022
General Election Declared Write-In Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidates2022 Representative District 4 Special Election Candidate List
launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2022 School Board Election Candidate
List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2022 State Primary Election
Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2023 Representative
District 37 Special Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidates2023 Representative District 37 Special Election Write-In
Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2023 School Board
Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2024 Filing
Fees launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2024 General Election Candidate
List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2024 General Election Declared
Write-In Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR codecandidates2024
Presidential Primary Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidates2024 Primary Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidates2024 School Board Election Candidate List launch modal dialog with
QR codecandidatesBallot Qualified Candidates, State of Delaware, General
Election 2008 launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesCampaign Finance launch
modal dialog with QR codecandidatesCampaign Finance FAQs launch modal dialog
with QR codecandidatesCampaign Finance Information launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidatesCampaign Finance Reporting Notice launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidatesCampaign Finance Reports: Tardy and Non-Filers. Publication
required pursuant to 15 Del. C. § 8044(i) launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidatesCampaign Finance Videos launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidatesCampaign Finance, Elections, Commissioner of Elections, Delaware,
State of Delaware launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesCandidate List -
sorted by election date launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesCandidate
Services launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesCandidates for federal office
launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesDelaware Campaign Finance FAQs launch
modal dialog with QR codecandidatesDelaware Election Candidates launch modal
dialog with QR codecandidatesDelaware Presidential Primary List of Candidates
launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesFiling information for school board
candidates launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesFinancial Disclosure
Reporting - Failed to File launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesGeneral
Election, Candidates 2018 launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesInformation
and services for candidates for state or county office in the State of Delaware
launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesLink to PDF for purchasing voter
registration information. Information about receiving results by secure mail
launch modal dialog with QR codecandidatesQualifications for office and
instructions about getting on the ballot launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidatesSchool Candidate Services launch modal dialog with QR
codecandidatesVoter Registration Totals by Representative District, Senate
District, and Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codeelections1975
State Representative District 6 Special Election Results launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections1979 State Representative District 16 Special Election
Results launch modal dialog with QR codeelections1981 State Senate District 18
Special Election Results launch modal dialog with QR codeelections1983 State
Representative District 3 and District 26 Special Elections Results launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections1986 State Senate District 8 and General Elections
Results launch modal dialog with QR codeelections1996 Presidential Primary
Election, Results by Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections1998
General Election, Results By District launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections1998 General Election, Results By Office launch modal dialog with
QR codeelections1998 Primary Election, Results By District launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections1998 Primary Election, Results by Grid launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections1998 Primary Election, Results By Office launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections1998 Primary, General Election launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections2000 General Election, Results By County launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2000 General Election, Results By District launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2000 General Election, Results By Grid launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2000 General Election, Results By Office
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2000 Presidential Primary, Results by
Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2000 Presidential Primary,
Results By District launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2000 Primary
Election, Results By Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2000
Primary Election, Results By District launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2000 Primary Election, Results By Grid launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2001 Special Election, Results By Grid launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2001 Special Election, State Representative launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections2002 General Election, Results By District launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2002 General Election, Results By Office launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2002 Primary Election, Results By District
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2002 Primary Election, Results By Grid
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2002 Primary Election, Results By
Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2004 General Election, Results
By District launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2004 General Election,
Results By Grid launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2004 General Election,
Results By Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2004 Presidential
Primary Election, Results By District launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2004 Presidential Primary Election, Results By Grid launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2004 Presidential Primary Election, Results By
Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2004 State Primary Election,
Results By District launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2004 State Primary
Election, Results By Grid launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2004 State
Primary Election, Results By Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections
2006 General Election, Results By District launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections 2006 General Election, Results by County launch modal dialog with
QR codeelections2006 General Election, Results By Office launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections2006 General Election, Results By Office with Wilmington
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2006 General Election, Results by
Office with Write-Ins launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2006 General
Election, Statewide Grid of Districts launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2006 Primary Election, Results By District launch modal dialog with
QR codeelections2006 Primary Election, Results By Grid launch modal dialog with
QR codeelections2006 Primary Election, Results By Office launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections2007 Special Election, Kent County, Results By Office
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2007 Special Election, Kent County,
Statewide Grid of Districts launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2007
Special Election, Kent County, Results By District launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2007 Special Election, State Representative launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections2007 Special Election, Statewide Office By County launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections 2007 Special Election, State Representative
District 7 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2007 Special Election, State
Representative, District 7 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2007 State
Representative, District 7 Special Election launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2007 State Representative District 41, Special Election launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2008 General Election, Results By District
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2008 General Election, Results By
Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2008 General Election, Statewide
Office By County launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2008 General Election,
Statewide Grid of Districts launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2008
General Election, Statewide Office With Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2008 Presidential Primary Election, By County launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections2008 Presidential Primary Election, Results By District
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2008 Presidential Primary Election,
Statewide Grid of Districts launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2008
Presidential Primary Election, Statewide Office launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2008 Presidential Primary Election, Results By Office launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2008 Primary Election, Results By Office launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2008 Primary Election, Results By District
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2008 Primary Election, Statewide Grid
of Districts launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2008 Primary Election,
Statewide Office By County launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2008 Primary
Election, Statewide Office With Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2008 Special Election, State Representative District 6 launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2008 Special Election, State Representative District
6 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2008 Special Election, State
Representative District 6 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2009 Special
Election, New Castle County Council District 5 launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2009 Special Election, New Castle County Council Grid of District 5
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2009 Special Election, New Castle
Results By District 5 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2009 Special
Election, State Senate District 19 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2009
Special Election, State Senate Grid of District 19 launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2009 Special Election, State Senate District 19 launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections 2010 General Election - Results By Office launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2010 General Election - Statewide Grid of Districts
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2010 General Election, Results By
District launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2010 General Election,
Statewide Office By County launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2010 General
Election, Statewide Office With Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2010 Primary Election, Results By Office launch modal dialog with
QR codeelections2010 Primary Election, Results By District launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections2010 Primary Election, Statewide Grid of Districts launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2010 Primary Election, Statewide Office By
County launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2010 Primary Election, Statewide
Office By County With Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2011
New Castle County, President of County Council, Special Election - Results By
Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2011 President Special Election,
Statewide Grid of Districts launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2011
President Special Election, New Castle By District launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2012 General Election - Statewide Office By County launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2012 General Election, Results By Office launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2012 General Election, Results By District
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2012 General Election, Statewide Grid
of Districts launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2012 General Election,
Statewide Office With Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2012
Presidential Primary Election, Results By Office launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2012 Presidential Primary Election launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2012 Presidential Primary Election, Office By County launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2012 Presidential Primary Election, Office With
Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2012 Presidential Primary
Election, Results By District launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2012
Primary Election, Results By Office launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2012 Primary Election, Results By District launch modal dialog with
QR codeelections2012 Primary Election, Statewide Grid of Districts launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2012 Primary Election, Statewide Office By County
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2012 Primary Election, Statewide Office
With Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2014 General Election -
Results By Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2014 General
Election, Results By District launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2014
General Election, Statewide Grid of Districts launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2014 General Election, Statewide Office By County launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2014 General Election, Statewide Office With
Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2014 Primary Election,
Results By Office launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2014 Primary
Election, Results By District launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2014
Primary Election, Statewide Grid of Districts launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2014 Primary Election, Statewide Office By County launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2014 Primary Election, Statewide Office With
Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2015 Special Election, State
Representative District 18, By Office launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2015 Special Election, State Representative District 18 launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2015 Special Election, State Representative
District 18 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 Election launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2016 General Election, Office By County launch modal
dialog with QR codeelections2016 General Election, Results By Office launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 General Election, Results By District
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 General Election, Statewide Grid
of Districts launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 General Election,
Statewide Office With Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2016
Presidential Primary Election, Results By Office launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2016 Presidential Primary Election, Statewide Grid of Districts
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 Presidential Primary Election,
Office By County launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 Presidential
Primary Election, Statewide Office With Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2016 Presidential Primary Election, Results By District launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 Primary Election, Office By County launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 Primary Election, Results By Office
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 Primary Election, Results By
District launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 Primary Election,
Statewide Grid of Districts launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2016
Primary Election, Statewide Office With Wilmington launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2016 Special Election, New Castle County Council District 1 launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 Special Election, New Castle County
Council District 1 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2016 Special
Election, New Castle County Council District 1 launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2017 Special Election, Kent County Levy Court District 2, By Office
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2017 Special Election, Kent County Levy
Court District 2 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2017 Special Election,
Kent County Levy Court District 2 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2017
Special Election, Kent County Levy Court District 2 launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2017 Special Election, State Senate District 10, By Office launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2017 Special Election, State Senate District
10 launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2017 Special Election, State Senate
District 10, Grid of Districts launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2017
Special Election, State Senate District 10, By District launch modal dialog with
QR codeelections2018 General Election launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2018 General Election, By Statewide Office With Wilmington launch
modal dialog with QR codeelections2018 General Election, Results by Office
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2018 General Election, Results by
Statewide Office by County launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2018 General
Election, Results By District launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2018
General Election, Statewide Grid of Districts launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2018 Primary Election launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2018
Primary Election, Results by Office launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2018 Primary Election, Results by Statewide Grid of Districts
launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2018 Primary Election, Results by
Statewide Office by County launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2018 Primary
Election, Results by Statewide Office With Wilmington launch modal dialog with
QR codeelections2018 Primary Election, Results By District launch modal dialog
with QR codeelections2020 Election Results launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2020 Primary Election, Sample Ballots launch modal dialog with QR
codeelections2021 Election Results launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2022
Election Results launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2022 Primary Election,
Sample Ballots launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2022 Special Election,
4th Representative District launch modal dialog with QR codeelections2023
Special Election, 37th Representative District launch modal dialog with QR
codeElectionsAccessibility Change Summary launch modal dialog with QR
codeelectionsArchive, Results, Elections, Commissioner of Elections, Delaware,
State of Delaware launch modal dialog with QR codeelectionsDelaware's
Post-Election Audits launch modal dialog with QR codeElectionsDepartment of
Elections Homepage launch modal dialog with QR codeelectionsFiling Fees for
Statewide Offices launch modal dialog with QR codeElectionsInformation about
Delaware's Department of Elections and the State Board of Elections launch modal
dialog with QR codeelectionsInformation about Working at the Polls in the State
of Delaware launch modal dialog with QR codeElectionsLocation and Contact Info
for Delware's Department of Elections Offices launch modal dialog with QR
codeelectionsMain elections page with links to each type of election launch
modal dialog with QR codeelectionsState of Delaware Department of Elections
Voting Locations launch modal dialog with QR codeelectionsState of Delaware
Department of Elections General Election Information launch modal dialog with QR
codeelectionsState of Delaware Department of Elections 2020 General Election
Sasmple Ballots launch modal dialog with QR codeelectionsState of Delaware
Department of Elections 2022 General Election Sample Ballots launch modal dialog
with QR codeelectionsState of Delaware Department of Elections presidential
Primary Election launch modal dialog with QR codeelectionsState of Delaware
Department of Elections Presidential Primary launch modal dialog with QR
codeelectionsState of Delaware Department of Elections Primary Election launch
modal dialog with QR codeElectionsThe search page for the Department of
Elections website launch modal dialog with QR codemapsFind election district
maps launch modal dialog with QR codemapsKent County House District Maps launch
modal dialog with QR codemapsKent County: This page has links to Senate maps
based on redistricting plans enacted in 2022 and 2012. The districts created by
the 2022 Redistricting Plan will be used in Primary, Special and General
Elections from 2022 through about June 2032. launch modal dialog with QR
codemapsMaps of the New Castle County Council Districts launch modal dialog with
QR codemapsMaps of Wilmington City Council Districts launch modal dialog with QR
codemapsNew Castle County: This page has links to House maps based on
redistricting plans enacted in 2022, 2012 and 2002. The districts created by the
2022 Redistricting Plan will be used in Primary, Special and General Elections
from 2022 through about June 2032 launch modal dialog with QR codemapsNew Castle
County: This page has links to Senate maps based on redistricting plans enacted
in 2022, 2012 and 2002. The districts created by the 2022 Redistricting Plan
will be used in Primary, Special and General Elections from 2022 through about
June 203 launch modal dialog with QR codemapsState of Delaware, Department of
Elections, Sussex County, Council Maps launch modal dialog with QR codemapsState
of Delaware, Election District Maps for New Castle, Kent, and Sussex Counties
launch modal dialog with QR codemapsState of Delaware, Kent County, Levy Court,
District Maps launch modal dialog with QR codemapsSussex County: This page has
links to House maps based on redistricting plans enacted in 2022, 2012 and 2002.
The districts created by the 2022 Redistricting Plan will be used in Primary,
Special and General Elections from 2022 through about June 2032. launch modal
dialog with QR codemapsSussex County: This page has links to Senate maps based
on redistricting plans enacted in 2022 and 2012. The districts created by the
2022 Redistricting Plan will be used in Primary, Special and General Elections
from 2022 through about June 2032. launch modal dialog with QR
codemunicipalityMunicipal Election Law: Delaware Code, Title 15, Chapter 75
launch modal dialog with QR codemunicipalityMunicipal Elections Information
launch modal dialog with QR codepublicAll FAQs: Printer-Friendly Format launch
modal dialog with QR codepublicDepartment of Elections Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) Requests launch modal dialog with QR codepublicDepartment of
Elections Forms and Publications launch modal dialog with QR
codepublicDepartment of Elections Public Hearing Information launch modal dialog
with QR codepublicElection calendars and campaign finance reporting periods.
launch modal dialog with QR codepublicFAQs: Absentee Voting launch modal dialog
with QR codepublicFAQs: Voting & Campaigns launch modal dialog with QR
codepublicFAQs: Voting launch modal dialog with QR codepublicPublic Hearing on
proposed campaign finance regulations, November 2012 launch modal dialog with QR
codepublicPublic Meeting Notice Information launch modal dialog with QR
codepublicState Board of Elections Meeting Minutes launch modal dialog with QR
codepublicState Election Commissioner's Welcome Letter launch modal dialog with
QR codepublicState Election Commissioner Advisory launch modal dialog with QR
coderesultsElections Results and Reports launch modal dialog with QR
codeschool2023 Appoquinimink School District Referendum launch modal dialog with
QR codeschool2024 Appoquinimink School District Referendum launch modal dialog
with QR codeschool2024 Brandywine School District Referendum launch modal dialog
with QR codeschool2024 Cape Henlopen School District Referendum launch modal
dialog with QR codeschool2024 Colonial School District Referendum launch modal
dialog with QR codeschool2024 Red Clay Consolidated School District Referendum
launch modal dialog with QR codeschool2024 Smyrna School District Referendum
launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolAppoquinimink School District, School
Board Election 2022 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolAppoquinimink School
District, School Board Election 2023 launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolAppoquinimink School District, School Board Election 2024 launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolAppoquinimink School District Referendum 2021 launch
modal dialog with QR codeschoolBrandywine School District School Board Election
2021 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolBrandywine School District, School
Board Election 2024 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolCaesar Rodney School
District, School Board Election 2022 launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolCaesar Rodney School District, School Board Election 2023 launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolCaesar Rodney School District, School Board Election
2024 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolCape Henlopen School District, School
Board Election 2021 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolCape Henlopen School
District, School Board Election 2023 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolCape
Henlopen School District, School Board Election 2024 launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolCapital School District, School Board Election 2024 launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolCapital School District, School Board Election 2022
launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolChristina School District, School Board
Election 2021 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolChristina School District,
School Board Election 2023 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolChristina
School District, School Board Election 2024 launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolColonial School District, School Board Election 2024 launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolColonial School District, School Board Election 2021
launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolColonial School District, School Board
Election 2022 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolDelmar School District,
School Board Election 2021 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolDelmar School
District, School Board Election 2022 launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolDelmar School District, School Board Election 2023 launch modal dialog
with QR codeschoolDelmar School District, School Board Election 2024 launch
modal dialog with QR codeschoolIndian River School District, School Board
Election 2023 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolIndian River School
District, School Board Election 2024 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolLake
Forest School District, School Board Election 2021 launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolLake Forest School District, School Board Election 2022 launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolLake Forest School District, School Board Election 2024
launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolLake Forest School District, School
Referendum 2023 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolLaurel School District,
School Board Election 2021 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolLaurel School
District, School Board Election 2022 launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolLaurel School District, School Board Election 2023 launch modal dialog
with QR codeschoolLaurel School District, School Board Election 2024 launch
modal dialog with QR codeschoolMaps of Kent County School Districts launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolMaps of New Castle County School Districts launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolMaps of Sussex County School Districts launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolMilford School District, School Board Election 2022
launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolMilford School District, School Board
Election 2023 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolMilford School District,
School Board Election 2024 launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolRed Clay
Consolidated School District, School Board Election 2024 launch modal dialog
with QR codeschoolSchool District Reapportionment 2012 launch modal dialog with
QR codeschoolSchool elections results launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolSchool Referenda launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolSchool
Referendum 2023, Caesar Rodney School District launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolSeaford School District, School Board Election 2024 launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolSmyrna School District, School Board Election 2024
launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolState of Delaware Department of Elections
2021Milford School District Referendum launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolState of Delaware Department of Elections Red Clay Consolidated School
Board Election launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolState of Delaware
Department of Elections 2022 Red Clay consolidated School Board Election launch
modal dialog with QR codeschoolState of Delaware Department of Elections 2022
Red Clay consolidated School Board Election launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolState of Delaware Department of Elections 2021 Seaford School Board
Election launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolState of Delaware Department of
Elections 2022 Seaford School Board Election launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolState of Delaware Department of Elections 2023 Seafrod School Board
Election launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolState of Delaware Department of
Elections 2021 Smyrna school Board Election launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolState of Delaware Department of Elections 2022 Smyrna School District
Election launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolState of Delaware Department of
Elections 2023 Smyrna School Board Election launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolState of Delaware Department of Elections 2021 Smyrna School District
Referendum launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolState of Delaware Department of
Elections 2021 Woodbridge School Board Election launch modal dialog with QR
codeschoolState of Delaware Department of Elections 2022 Wood bridge School
Board Election launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolState of Delaware
Department of Elections 2023 Woodbridge School Board Election launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolThe main page for school board elections launch modal
dialog with QR codeschoolThe main page for school board elections and referenda
info launch modal dialog with QR codeschoolWoodbridge School District, School
Board Election 2024 launch modal dialog with QR codevoter1970 - 1996 Registered
Voter Totals launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2010 Registered Voter Totals
by Month launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2010 Registered Voter Totals by
Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2011 Registered Voter
Totals by Month launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2011 Registered Voter
Totals by Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2012 Registered
Voter Totals by Month launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2012 Registered Voter
Totals by Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2013 Registered
Voter Totals by Month launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2013 Registered Voter
Totals by Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2014 Registered
Voter Totals by Month launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2014 Registered Voter
Totals by Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2015 Registered
Voter Totals by Month launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2015 Registered Voter
Totals by Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2016 Registered
Voter Totals by Month launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2016 Registered Voter
Totals by Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2017 Registered
Voter Totals by Month launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2017 Registered Voter
Totals by Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2018 Registered
Voter Totals by Month launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2018 Registered Voter
Totals by Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2019 Registered
Voter Totals by Month launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2019 Registered Voter
Totals by Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2020 Registered
Voter Totals by Political Party launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2020 Voter
Participation Report launch modal dialog with QR codevoter2022 Voter
Participation Report launch modal dialog with QR codevoterA notice that voting
by mail is not permitted in the general election. Information about absentee
voting, early voting, and voting at your assigned polling place launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterAbsentee Statement (Application) launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterAbsentee voting FAQ for Delaware citizens launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterAbsentee voting info for college students who are not residents
of Delaware launch modal dialog with QR codevoterAdministrative Complaints:
Information about the formal complaint process for any voting problem covered by
Title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) launch modal dialog with
QR codevoterArchived News Items 2010 launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterArchived News Items 2011 launch modal dialog with QR codevoterArchived
News Items 2012 launch modal dialog with QR codevoterArchived News Items 2013
launch modal dialog with QR codevoterArchived News Items 2014 launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterArchived News Items 2015 launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterArchived News Items 2016 launch modal dialog with QR codevoterArchived
News Items 2017 launch modal dialog with QR codevoterArchived News Items 2018
launch modal dialog with QR codevoterDelaware Voter Registration Totals Report
2019 December launch modal dialog with QR codevoterDelaware Voter Registration
Totals By Party 2020 February launch modal dialog with QR codevoterDelaware
Voter Registration Totals By Party 2020 April launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterDelaware Voter Registration Totals Report 2020 May launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterDelaware Voter Registration Totals By Political Party 2021 May
launch modal dialog with QR codevoterDelaware's Voting Machines launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterDepartment of Elections News launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterDepartment of Elections News Archive launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterEligibility, Voter, Allowed, Vote, Elections, Commissioner of
Elections, Delaware, State of Delaware launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterFelons and Voting in the State of Delaware launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterHow to register to vote launch modal dialog with QR codevoterInfo about
public meetings of the voting machine task force launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterInformaiton For Voters Without a Fixed Residence launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterInformation about absentee voting for college students launch
modal dialog with QR codevoterInformation about absentee voting when overseas
launch modal dialog with QR codevoterInformation about Voter Registration in the
State of Delaware launch modal dialog with QR codevoterInformation for Voters in
the State of Delaware launch modal dialog with QR codevoterInformation on Voting
Absentee in Delaware School Board Elections launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterInstructions for overseas voters regarding absentee ballots launch
modal dialog with QR codevoterInstructions for overseas voters regarding
absentee ballots launch modal dialog with QR codevoterInstructions for overseas
voters regarding absentee ballots launch modal dialog with QR codevoterMain page
for absentee voting information, includes Youtube video launch modal dialog with
QR codevoterNews about online filing system launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterOrganzized Voter Registration, OVR Training Schedule launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterProvisional Voting in the State of Delaware launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterPublic notice about the 2020 election launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterPublic notice about website update in 2021 launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterRegistered Voter Totals by Month launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterRegistered Voter Totals by Month for 2021 launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterRegistered Voter Totals by Month for 2022 launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterSchool Board Election - Voter Eligibility launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterSpecial Needs Voting in the State of Delaware launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterState of Delaware Department of Elections iVote
Instructions launch modal dialog with QR codevoterState of Delaware Department
of Elections Secure Mail launch modal dialog with QR codevoterState of Delaware
Department of Elections Voter Registration Data launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterThe Title 15 Election Law Task Force report launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterThis page contains links to election laws. Categories include federal
laws, the Delaware Constitution, and Delaware Code launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterVoter eligibility for school elections launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterVoter Information and Services launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterVoter Registration Total By Representative District 2020 December
launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals by Representative
District, Senate District, and Political Party launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Political Party 2020 January launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Party 2020 March launch
modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Party 2020 June
launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Party 2020
July launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Political
Party 2020 August launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals
By Party 2020 September launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration
Totals By Party 2020 October launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter
Registration Totals By Party 2020 November launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Party 2020 December launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Party 2021 January launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Party 2021 February launch
modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Party 2021 March
launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Party 2021
April launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By
Representative District 2019 December launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter
Registration Totals By Representative District 2020 January launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Representative District 2020
February launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By
Representative District 2020 March launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter
Registration Totals By Representative District 2020 April launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Representative District 2020 May
launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Representative
District 2020 June launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration
Totals By Representative District 2020 July launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Representative District 2020 August launch
modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Representative
District 2020 September launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration
Totals By Representative District 2020 October launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Representative District 2020 November
launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Senatorial
District launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By
Senatorial District launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration
Totals By Senatorial District launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter
Registration Totals By Senatorial District launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Senatorial District launch modal dialog
with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Senatorial District launch modal
dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Senatorial District launch
modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Senatorial District
launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Senatorial
District launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration Totals By
Senatorial District launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter Registration
Totals By Senatorial District launch modal dialog with QR codevoterVoter
Registration Totals By Senatorial District launch modal dialog with QR
codevoterVoter Registration Totals By Senatorial District



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