www.amadei.es Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://amadei.es/
Effective URL: https://www.amadei.es/
Submission: On September 30 via api from IE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

Saltar al contenido
 * Inicio
 * Conócenos
 * Calendario de cursos
 * Servicios
   * LOPD
   * Arbitraje Notarial
   * Proveedores homologados
   * Peritos Judiciales
   * Acuerdos
 * Radio Inmobiliaria
 * Asociados
 * Únete
   * Cuota de asociado
 * Noticias
   * Medios
 * Contacta
 * intranet
   * Asesoría Jurídica
   * Acceso Asociados

 * Inicio
 * Conócenos
 * Calendario de cursos
 * Servicios
   * LOPD
   * Arbitraje Notarial
   * Proveedores homologados
   * Peritos Judiciales
   * Acuerdos
 * Radio Inmobiliaria
 * Asociados
 * Únete
   * Cuota de asociado
 * Noticias
   * Medios
 * Contacta
 * intranet
   * Asesoría Jurídica
   * Acceso Asociados







AMADEI ofrece la posibilidad de desarrollarse profesio­nalmente en el sector
inmobiliario impartiendo for­mación en todas las modali­dades, presencial,
on-line y mixta, dando a todos los interesados la oportunidad de formarse.

Calendario de cursos


Colaboria nace para que las empresas inmobiliarias de la Comunidad de Madrid
puedan compartir su producto y así juntos, colaborando, conseguir el objetivo
común de satisfacer las demandas de nuestros clientes finales.



AMADEI ha sido autorizada por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid nº1167
para integrar el listado de peritos judiciales inmobiliarios a fin de prestar la
labor de valoración y tasación en los Juzgados y Tribunales de la Comunidad de


AMADEI, mediante un acuerdo con el prestigioso Estudio Jurídico EJASO ETL
GLOBAL, presta asesoramiento jurídico de forma gratuita a los asociados.



AMADEI recomienda la inscripción de los profesionales en este registro, que sin
duda proporciona un sello de calidad y transparencia en el sector.



Potente y puntera herramienta de valoración, basada en los datos reales de
operaciones de compraventa inscritas en el Registro de la Propiedad, que, sin
duda, te va a proporcionar no solo mayor seguridad y fiabilidad a la hora de
hacer tus valoraciones y tasaciones, sino que, además, te servirá como una
eficaz herramienta de captación de inmuebles.



AMADEI ha suscrito un convenio con la Agencia Tributaria de la Comunidad de
Madrid, que posibilita la presentación de impuestos comunitarios por cuenta de

+ info


Amadei ha contratado un Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil con unas condiciones que
son más ventajosas para todos nuestros asociados en relación con el
anteriormente suscrito.

+ info


Amadei ha concertado un seguro colectivo de Caución con unas condiciones muy
ventajosas para todos nuestros asociados.

+ info



AMADEI y la Dirección General de Consumo de la Comunidad de Madrid,  han
finalizado el trabajo de redacción de la GUÍA PARA ADQUIRIR O ALQUILAR UNA



Banco Sabadell seguirá colaborando con AMADEI, para satisfacer las necesidades
financieras de sus asociados en condiciones preferentes.



AMADEI ha llegado un acuerdo con SEAG (Sociedad Española de Alquiler
Garantizado), por el que no tendrás que preocuparte por tu alquiler, garantiza
cobrar tu alquiler en caso de impago hasta recuperar la vivienda.




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Esta web utiliza cookies de seguimiento
Este sitio web utiliza cookies para mejorar la experiencia del usuario. Al
utilizar nuestro sitio web, acepta todas las cookies de acuerdo con nuestra
política de cookies. Detalles

Estrictamente necesarias




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Estrictamente necesarias
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Las cookies estrictamente necesarias permiten la funcionalidad central del sitio
web, como el inicio de sesión del usuario y la administración de la cuenta. El
sitio web no puede utilizarse correctamente sin las cookies estrictamente

Nombre Dominio Vencimiento Descripción SERVERID .eyeota.net 10 minutes Usually
used for load balancing. Identifies the server that delivered the last page to
the browser. Associated with the HAProxy Load Balancer software.

Las cookies de rendimiento se utilizan para ver cómo los visitantes usan el
sitio web, por ejemplo. cookies analíticas Esas cookies no se pueden usar para
identificar directamente a cierto visitante.

Nombre Dominio Vencimiento Descripción _ga .amadei.es 2 years This cookie name
is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to
Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to
distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client
identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate
visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. By default
it is set to expire after 2 years, although this is customisable by website
owners. _gid .amadei.es 1 day This cookie name is associated with Google
Analytics. It is used by gtag.js and analytics.js scripts and according to
Google Analytics this cookie is used to distinguish users. _gat_UA-111432959-1
.amadei.es 1 minute This is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where
the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the
account or website it relates to. It appears to be a variation of the _gat
cookie which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high
traffic volume websites.

Las cookies de orientación se utilizan para identificar a los visitantes entre
diferentes sitios web, por ejemplo. socios de contenido, redes de banner. Las
empresas pueden utilizar esas cookies para crear un perfil de intereses de los
visitantes o mostrar anuncios relevantes en otros sitios web.

Nombre Dominio Vencimiento Descripción _fbp .amadei.es 3 months Used by Facebook
to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from
third party advertisers fr .facebook.com 3 months Contains browser and user
unique ID combinaton, used for targeted advertising. uid .adform.net 2 months
This cookie provides a uniquely assigned, machine-generated user ID and gathers
data about activity on the website. This data may be sent to a 3rd party for
analysis and reporting. UID ads.stickyadstv.com 1 month This cookie provides a
uniquely assigned, machine-generated user ID and gathers data about activity on
the website. This data may be sent to a 3rd party for analysis and reporting.
tuuid .360yield.com 3 months This cookie is mainly set by bidswitch.net to make
advertising messages more relevant to the website visitor. APID .advertising.com
1 year This cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the
website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the
said website. tuuid .bidswitch.net 1 year This cookie is mainly set by
bidswitch.net to make advertising messages more relevant to the website visitor.
rlas3 .rlcdn.com 1 year This cookie is generally provided by rlcdn.com and is
used for advertising purposes. CMID .casalemedia.com 1 year These cookies are
linked to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at. CMPS
.casalemedia.com 3 months These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking
the products users were looking at. pid .smartadserver.com 1 year 1 month This
cookie lets website visitors use Twitter-related features from within the web
page they are visiting. TestIfCookieP .smartadserver.com 1 year 1 month This
cookie is used to make advertising messages more relevant to website visitor.
csync .smartadserver.com 1 year 1 month Optimises the visualisation of ads
according to combined user movement and various campaigns EE .exelator.com 4
months This cookie is generally provided by exelator.com and is used for
advertising purposes. CMPRO .casalemedia.com 3 months These cookies are linked
to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at. CMRUM3
.casalemedia.com 1 year These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking the
products users were looking at. ud .exelator.com 4 months This cookie is
generally provided by exelator.com and is used for advertising purposes. IDE
.doubleclick.net 1 year This cookie carries out information about how the end
user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before
visiting the said website. IDSYNC .analytics.yahoo.com 1 year This cookie
carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any
advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
APID .yahoo.com 11 months 24 days This cookie carries out information about how
the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have
seen before visiting the said website. PUBMDCID .pubmatic.com 3 months This
cookie is generally provided by pubmatic.com and is used for advertising
purposes. uuid2 .adnxs.com 3 months This cookie allows targeted advertising
through the AppNexus platform - collects anonymous data on ad views IP adddress,
page views, and more. _cc_dc .crwdcntrl.net 8 months 29 days This cookie is
generally provided by crwdcntrl.net and is used for advertising purposes. _cc_id
.crwdcntrl.net 8 months 29 days This cookie is generally provided by
crwdcntrl.net and is used for advertising purposes. _cc_cc .crwdcntrl.net 9
months This cookie is generally provided by crwdcntrl.net and is used for
advertising purposes. _cc_aud .crwdcntrl.net 9 months This cookie is generally
provided by crwdcntrl.net and is used for advertising purposes. anj .adnxs.com 3
months This cookie contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with an
AppNexus partner. _kuid_ .krxd.net 6 months This cookie carries out information
about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user
may have seen before visiting the said website. ab .agkn.com 1 year This cookie
is generally provided by agkn.com and is used for advertising purposes. TDID
.adsrvr.org 1 year This cookie carries out information about how the end user
uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before
visiting the said website. UserID1 .adfarm1.adition.com 3 months This cookie is
used to collect information on a visitor. demdex .demdex.net 6 months This
cookie helps Adobe Audience Manger perform basic functions such as visitor
identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling, reporting, etc. uuid
.mathtag.com 1 year This cookie is used to optimize ad relevance by collecting
visitor data from multiple websites – this exchange of visitor data is normally
provided by a third-party data-center or ad-exchange. TDCPM .adsrvr.org 1 year
This cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and
any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said
website. dpm .dpm.demdex.net 6 months Adobe Audience Manager - data management
platform uses this cookie to record information around synchronisation of IDs.
AFFICHE_W .weborama.fr 3 months 3 days This cookie is used by Weborama software
and enables user tracking. wfivefivec .w55c.net 1 year 1 month This cookie is
generally provided by w55c.net and is used for advertising purposes. bkdc
.bluekai.com 6 months This cookie is usually set by websites to register
anonymised user data (IP address, geolocation, etc.) as well as aggregate
anonymous activities to enable marketers to provide more targeted online
advertising. bku .bluekai.com 6 months This cookie is generally provided by
bluekai.com and is used for advertising purposes. TapAd_TS .tapad.com 2 months
This cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and
any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said
website. TapAd_DID .tapad.com 2 months This cookie carries out information about
how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have
seen before visiting the said website. uid .1dmp.io 1 year This cookie provides
a uniquely assigned, machine-generated user ID and gathers data about activity
on the website. This data may be sent to a 3rd party for analysis and reporting.
obuid .outbrain.com 3 months This cookie is used to hold an anonymous user's ID.
IT is used for tracking user actions.

Las cookies de funcionalidad se utilizan para recordar la información del
visitante en el sitio web, por ejemplo. idioma, zona horaria, contenido

Nombre Dominio Vencimiento Descripción sessionId ads.stickyadstv.com Session
This is a very generic cookie name that may have different purposes on different
sites, but generally it will be some kind of anonymous session identifier.

Las cookies no clasificadas son cookies que no pertenecen a ninguna otra
categoría o están en proceso de categorización.

Nombre Dominio Vencimiento Descripción C .adform.net 1 month 1 day CM
.adform.net 1 day CM14 .adform.net 14 days uid-bp-617 ads.stickyadstv.com 2
months tuuid_lu .360yield.com 3 months uu .adscale.de 12 months 2 days c
.bidswitch.net 1 year tuuid_lu .bidswitch.net 1 year tu .ih.adscale.de 1 month
pxrc .rlcdn.com 2 months CMST .casalemedia.com 1 day i .openx.net 1 year B
.yahoo.com 1 year SEUNCY .semasio.net 1 year APIDTS .yahoo.com 1 day A3
.yahoo.com 1 year cookie .onaudience.com 1 year KRTBCOOKIE_391 .pubmatic.com 1
month PugT .pubmatic.com 1 month bkpa .bluekai.com 6 months cf .id5-sync.com 5
minutes cip .id5-sync.com 5 minutes cnac .id5-sync.com 5 minutes car
.id5-sync.com 5 minutes gdpr .id5-sync.com 5 minutes callback .id5-sync.com 5
minutes matchadform .w55c.net 1 month DigiTrust.v1.identity .digitru.st 1 year
DigiTrust.v1.identity .adform.net 7 days TapAd_3WAY_SYNCS .tapad.com 2 months
id5 .id5-sync.com 3 months tluid .3lift.com 3 months uid-legacy .1dmp.io 1 year
um .360yield.com 3 months umeh .360yield.com 3 months cookieJartestCookie
sync.outbrain.com 16 hours 40 minutes arcki2 .audrte.com Session arcki2_adform
.audrte.com Session bdswch .outbrain.com 1 month mics_vid .mediarithmics.com 1
year mics_uaid .mediarithmics.com 1 year mics_lts .mediarithmics.com 1 year
arcki2_eyeota .audrte.com 15 days arcki2_ddp .audrte.com 15 days 3pi
.id5-sync.com 3 months

Las cookies son pequeños archivos de texto que los sitios web que visita colocan
en su computadora. Los sitios web usan cookies para ayudar a los usuarios a
navegar y realizar ciertas funciones de manera eficiente. Las cookies necesarias
para que el sitio web funcione correctamente se pueden configurar sin su
permiso. Todas las demás cookies deben ser verificadas antes de que se puedan
configurar en su navegador. Puede cambiar su consentimiento para el uso de
cookies en cualquier momento en la página de política de privacidad.
ID de consentimiento de cookies:
Cookie report created on 2021-01-11 by Cookie-Script
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