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Submission: On June 25 via api from FI — Scanned from FI

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Chain Message Wealth Ranking Dsn Pool Message
Smart Contract
Tokens NFTs Verified Contracts Contract Verification
Gas Fee Power FIL Charts
Filecoin Ecosystem
Storage Provider


The Filecoin Network Data IndexUnfold
Block Height
Latest Block
Latest 24h Power Growth
33.0026 PiB
Network Quality Adjusted Power
21.7235 EiB
Block Rewards Last 24h
200,083 FIL
Current Sector Initial Pledge
6.4712 FIL/TiB
Base Fee
0.458 nanoFIL
Gas Used of a 32GiB Sector
1.8225 FIL/TiB
EST. Cost of a 32GiB Sector
8.2937 FIL/TiB
Output Efficiency last 24h
0.0088 FIL/TiB
Total Block Rewards
290,318,705 FIL
Gas Used of a 64GiB Sector
0.73 FIL/TiB
EST. Cost of a 64GiB Sector
7.2011 FIL/TiB
Rewards per Wincount
14.064 FIL
Avg. Blocks per TipSet
Avg. Messages per TipSet
Active Nodes
Destruction Amount
37,610,331 FIL
Circulation Amount

Storage Power TrendMore

Base Fee VariationsMore

Ranking List
Storage Provider
Storage Pool
Power Growth
Latest Update on: 2023-06-25 01:00

RankStorage ProviderQuality Adjusted Power / RatePower Growth24H Blocks / Rate
24H Wincount RateBalancef012326191.86 PiB / 0.00%-143.7500 TiB50 /
0.35%732.85FIL / 0.36%
894,738.31 FIL
f0124598091.09 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte65 / 0.46%938.47FIL / 0.46%
527,277.01 FIL
f0188951289.54 PiB / 0.00%203.9375 TiB54 / 0.38%807.86FIL / 0.40%
642,823.4 FIL
4f042768884.62 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte56 / 0.40%836.04FIL / 0.41%
640,426.73 FIL
5f0113715084.41 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte45 / 0.32%646.87FIL / 0.32%
511,877.9 FIL
6f0110859473.10 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte47 / 0.33%676.31FIL / 0.33%
474,272.05 FIL
7f0185202368.72 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte48 / 0.34%687.98FIL / 0.34%
483,178.88 FIL
8f0185267766.09 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte45 / 0.32%645.08FIL / 0.32%
466,284.8 FIL
9f0185232566.03 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte33 / 0.23%475.32FIL / 0.23%
465,567.5 FIL
10f08753065.00 PiB / 0.00%-192.0000 GiB43 / 0.30%629.47FIL / 0.31%
422,484.62 FIL
11f0185266464.82 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte57 / 0.40%817.73FIL / 0.40%
457,365.47 FIL
12f0131509664.64 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte32 / 0.23%458.33FIL / 0.22%
406,293.2 FIL
13f087055863.77 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte43 / 0.30%631.99FIL / 0.31%
451,171.7 FIL
14f0181716662.71 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte39 / 0.28%591.93FIL / 0.29%
411,735.22 FIL
15f0185148262.66 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte35 / 0.25%504.41FIL / 0.25%
442,557.5 FIL
16f037727759.64 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte33 / 0.23%476.3FIL / 0.23%
369,346.03 FIL
17f0192378659.14 PiB / 0.00%563.0625 TiB40 / 0.28%575.15FIL / 0.28%
427,341.93 FIL
18f042798958.67 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte35 / 0.25%500.4FIL / 0.25%
418,825.06 FIL
19f0192378757.96 PiB / 0.00%446.6250 TiB40 / 0.28%573.72FIL / 0.28%
419,435.4 FIL
20f010636355.17 PiB / 0.00%0 Byte24 / 0.17%344.45FIL / 0.17%
371,635.24 FIL


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