dalecooks.tripod.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://dalecooks.tripod.com//airlinehumor//
Effective URL: https://dalecooks.tripod.com//airlinehumor//
Submission: On July 11 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Home | Instructions Page | Humor Page 1 | Humor Page 2 | Dark Side 1 | Dark Side
2 | History/Background


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Welcome to airlinehumor.com! But its not all fun, checkout the dark side.

Humor Page 1

Dark Side 1

I haven't been here in a while, but I will check the inbound messages. If there
are new stories, I promise to add them right away. But I need to hear from you!
Submission box is on instruction page, along with email directions.
                                              Thank You
I open the site to anyone, general public also, tell us your story, funny or


This is a site for everyone, airline employees, customer service, pilots, flight
attendants, ramp personel (incl cargo), as well as the clerical group and
reservations and the public at large.
It is a place for you to record for a brief period of time, your humorous
stories, and your dark stories too. The stories can be about the flying public
stumbling through their daily travels, about your co-workers performing their
jobs so efficiently, even your bosses latest goof-up, or that screamer you had
that made you go into the back room and punch a wall, or break into tears. Send
us your story, if it is presentable (we'll be the judge) we will upload it into
the site. Where your peers can sign in and see themselves, or the passenger they
had yesterday in all their glory.

Thank you for visiting airlinehumor.com. We encourage you to pass along our
website address to any other airline personel you know. Visit us often, as our
stories will change as often as new submissions permit. Feel free to submit as
many stories as you wish. All submissions will become property of
airlinehumor.com           .....Thank You.....

Takeoffs are fun.

Instructions Page