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Text Content

NFT School

 * Concepts
    * NFT basics
    * Content addressing
    * Content persistence
    * Designing a minting app
    * Managing NFTs 🚧
    * Auditing NFTs 🚧

 * Encyclopedia
    * Introduction
    * Standards
    * Types
    * Use Cases
    * Components
    * Choosing a Standard
    * Choosing Types
    * Configuring Components

 * Tutorials
    * First steps
    * Build a minting service
    * Lazy minting
    * Mint with and Polygon
    * Building a gallery app 🚧
    * Using NFTs in games 🚧
    * Building a Flow NFT pet store
    * Mint ERC721 NFTs on Avalanche

 * Guides
    * Batch-minting NFTs on Ethereum
    * Mutable NFTs

 * Reference
    * Metadata schemas
    * NFT marketplaces
    * Recommended tools
    * Featured NFT dev sites

 * Contribute
    * Write for NFT School


What does it mean to own a piece of the internet? Can you sell a meme to the
highest bidder? Is the metaverse finally happening? Let's find out together!

Welcome to NFT School, a collective of web developers and technology enthusiasts
here to figure out what's going on with non-fungible tokens, or NFTs. In the
past few years, NFTs have gone from a niche concern within the blockchain world
to a cultural phenomenon that has captured the imagination of artists,
technologists, and the mass media.

As builders, we'll be exploring NFTs from the technical side, taking them apart,
and seeing how they work. We'll also take a look at some of the use cases for
NFTs, so that we can help build new experiences around them.

We'll be building on a background of modern web development, with a focus on
JavaScript. Along the way, we'll get familiar with the core technologies that
make NFTs possible, like smart contracts and content-addressed storage. If
you're a newcomer to the space and find yourself confused, we want to know about
it! Please open an issue (opens new window) with any suggestions for how to make
this content more accessible.


NFT School is a growing work-in-progress, so check back frequently for new
content! To get started right away, try these top items:

 * NFT Basics is a high-level overview of just what an NFT is exactly, and what
   they're being used for.
 * Our First Steps Tutorial helps you get set up to interact with smart
   contracts on Ethereum, before we get into the specifics of NFTs themselves.
 * In the Minting Service Tutorial, we examine a simple NFT minting app to see
   exactly how the process works — from storing images on IPFS to creating
   tokens on Ethereum.


NFT School is an open-source project (opens new window) that welcomes
contributors of all specialties from all over the world!

Are you a great communicator who'd like to make the global NFT developer
community better? Share your knowledge with your peers and contribute a
tutorial, how-to, or concept guide to this open-source site. See what existing
content request issues (opens new window) are looking for writers, or if you'd
like to add something completely new, open an issue (opens new window) to
suggest new content. (And thank you in advance!)


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Last Updated: Thu, 14 Oct 2021 20:49:31 GMT by NFT School contributors like you