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Submission: On April 04 via manual from AU — Scanned from AU

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

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          class="MuiButtonBase-root MuiIconButton-root MuiIconButton-sizeMedium css-wuzfz4" tabindex="0" type="submit" id="search-bar-desktop-submit-young-people" aria-label="Search reach out"><svg xmlns="" width="24"
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 3. Tools and apps

 5. ReachOut WorryTime



Everyone has worries pop into their head from time to time, but sometimes they
won't go away and start to impact your everyday life.

ReachOut WorryTime interrupts this repetitive thinking by setting aside your
worries until later, so you don't get caught up in them and can get on with your
day. This means you can deal with worries once a day, rather than carrying them
around with you 24/7.

Key features: - decide on a time, place and length of time to deal with your
worries each day - when you notice yourself worrying about something, add it to
WorryTime and get on with your day - use your WorryTime to review the worries
you've added and ditch the ones that no longer matter to you.

Produced in consultation with the Centre for Clinical Interventions, ReachOut
WorryTime is based on cognitive behavioural techniques that are used by health
and wellbeing practitioners to assist people with anxiety and stress.

Disclaimer: may be used with or without support from a registered health
practitioner, but you may wish to consult with your local health or wellbeing
practitioner if you are uncertain about using it.


Health Pro

This app would be particularly useful to young people who suffer from anxiety
disorders or during a stressful time like the HSC. This app provides an engaging
and young person friendly way to record and measure worry in between sessions.
It also utilises the Worry time approach to reduce overall time spent worrying
and encourage focus and problem solving instead. Highly recommended.


User review

I liked...

I would use this for keeping track of what's on my mind throughout the day. I
always try to write what's bothering me down before I go to bed so I can think
about it in the morning, but this is way better! I can do it on my phone and
keep track of how often issues come to mind!

I didn't like...



User review

I liked...

It's good to type up the things you are worried about and need help with. I like
the graphics and the triumph you feel when you throw it away.

I didn't like...

That I can only set time for that day, sometimes I would like to leave it for
another day when I can "worry" about it with someone else who can help me.

User rating


Health Pro rating





Internet & data usage




Manage anxiety, Manage stress



Schedules worry time



ReachOut Australia


1 Giant Mind

1 Giant Mind is for anyone who wants to feel less stressed, more calm and
present and experience greater health and wellbeing.

User rating


Health Pro rating





Internet & data usage




Manage anxiety, Manage stress


Available on

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MoodMission helps you learn new and better ways of coping with low moods and

User rating


Health Pro rating





Internet & data usage




Manage anxiety, Manage stress


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