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12 Apr 2024 New Research on Macroeconomic Exposures in Equity Portfolios Wins
2023 Graham and Dodd Award of Excellence
27 Mar 2024 New Research Report Navigating Transition Finance 2024
06 Nov 2023 CFA Institute launches new Climate Risk, Valuation, and Investing

New Certificate

Data Science for Investment Professionals

The Data Science for Investment Professionals Certificate provides you with
practical knowledge of machine learning fundamentals and how they are used in
the investment process. This certificate is designed to enable you to apply
machine learning concepts to real-world investment problems and explain them
clearly to a non-expert audience and clients. The content is hands-on
application-oriented and includes instructional videos, coding labs, and case
studies from industry practitioners. Master the language of tomorrow, today!

Research Report Navigating Transition Finance: An Action List
Research Report CFA Institute Outlines Policy Recommendations for “Finfluencer”
Social Media Content
Research Report Gen Z and Investing: Social Media, Crypto, FOMO, and Family
Research Report Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Applications in

Sustainable Investing

Certificate in ESG Investing

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into investment decisions and beyond is fast becoming essential. Our Certificate
in ESG Investing provides the building blocks to meet this growing demand. With
this core knowledge and skill set, you're able to not only better support your
clients but also play a crucial role in prioritizing sustainability, ethical
practices, and social responsibility. Start your sustainable investing journey
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