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                <div data-equalizer-watch="" style="height: 219px;">Saving an average of 20% to 50% off of dental fees can really put a smile on your face. Receive discounts on cleanings, x-rays, fillings, orthodontics, surgery and more.</div>
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                <div data-equalizer-watch="" style="height: 219px;">Over 10,500 participating optical centers nationwide, members can save up to 50%. Major chains include Lenscrafters, JC Penney, Sears, Pearle Vision and more.</div>
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              <strong>LOUISIANA RESIDENTS</strong><br> La. R.S. 22:1260(7)(D)(1)(k) - Procedures for filing complaints under the discount medical program organization's complaint system and information that, if the member remains dissatisfied after
              completing the organization's complaint system, the program member may contact his state insurance department.<br> This plan is a discount plan NOT a health insurance policy.<br> This plan provides discounts at certain health care
              providers for medical services.<br> This plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services.<br> The plan member is obligated to pay for all health care services but will receive a discount from those health care
              providers who have contracted with the discount medical plan organization.<br> The DMPO does make available an up-to-date list of all program providers which includes their name, city &amp; state, and medical specialty prior to
              purchase, upon request.<br> That the range of discounts for medical services provided under the plan will vary depending on the type of provider and the medical services received.The corporate name and the location of the licensed
              discount medical plan organization is: Access One Consumer Health, Inc. 84 Villa Road, Greenville, SC 29615; 1-800-896-1962; <a href="www.accessonedmpo.com">www.accessonedmpo.com</a><br>
              <strong>MARYLAND RESIDENTS</strong><br> Discounts for hospital services, if any, are not applicable in Maryland.<br>
              <strong>MASSACHUSETTS RESIDENTS</strong><br> The program is not insurance coverage and does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. The range of discounts for medical or ancillary
              services provided under the program will vary depending on the type of provider and medical or ancillary service received. <br>
              <strong>TEXAS RESIDENTS</strong><br> Note to Texas Consumers: Regulated by the Texas Department of Insurance, P.O. Box 12157 Austin Texas 78711: telephone 1-800-252-3439 or (512) 463-6515; website: www.tdi.state.texas.com <br>
              <strong>UTAH RESIDENTS</strong><br> These programs are not covered by the Utah Health Insurance Guarantee Act. <br>
              <strong>WASHINGTON RESIDENTS</strong><br> WellCard Savings does not include any Discount Medical Plan Organization services in the State of Washington.<br>
              <strong>WEST VIRGINIA RESIDENTS</strong><br> If after receiving our response and you are not satisfied with the resolution you may write of call: West Virginia Insurance Commissioner <br>
              <strong>This program is not available in the following states MT and VT.</strong><br>
              <strong>This is not a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program.</strong><br>
        <div class="small-12 medium-6 columns right-column">
              <li>This discount program is NOT INSURANCE.</li>
              <li>The discount program provides discounts at certain healthcare providers for medical services.</li>
              <li>The discount program does not make payment directly to the providers of medical services.</li>
              <li>You are obligated to make payment for services but you will receive a discount from those providers contracted with the discount program.</li>
              <li>The name of the licensed discount medical program organization is Access One Consumer Health, Inc. (not affiliated with AccessOne Medcard)</li>
              <strong><a id="privacyPolicy" class="privacyPolicy" href="PrivacyPolicy.aspx">Privacy Policy</a></strong><br>
              <span id="lblDisclaimerAOCode"></span>
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          <a target="_blank" title="Competitive Health Inc BBB Business Review" href="https://www.bbb.org/sdoc/business-reviews/automation-systems-and-equipment/competitive-health-inc-in-mission-viejo-ca-13107481/#bbbonlineclick"><img alt="Competitive Health Inc BBB Business Review" style="border: 0;" src="https://seal-sandiego.bbb.org/seals/blue-seal-200-42-competitive-health-inc-13107481.png"></a>
        <div class="small-12 medium-6 medium-pull-6 columns"> © <span id="lblCopyrightYear">2024</span> WellcardSavings.com All Rights Reserved <a id="HyperLink1" href="TermsAndConditions.aspx">Terms and Conditions</a>
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 * 24/7 Pet
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   * 24/7 Pet

I'm new We know that healthcare is expensive and WellCard Savings is here to
provide consumers access to savings without charging you access fees. Learn More
WellCard is a free program and you may register at any time to use and receive
WellCard benefits.


Click Here to Register

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Gain access to value-added programs that can save you money every time you use
pharmacies, vision care providers, hearing care specialists, prepaid lab tests,
prepaid imaging tests, patient advocacy services and more.

   With no monthly membership fees, you can receive immediate discounts from
   over 410,000 nationwide physician offices and over 45,000 healthcare service
   View More

   Saving an average of 20% to 50% off of dental fees can really put a smile on
   your face. Receive discounts on cleanings, x-rays, fillings, orthodontics,
   surgery and more.
   View More

   Over 10,500 participating optical centers nationwide, members can save up to
   50%. Major chains include Lenscrafters, JC Penney, Sears, Pearle Vision and
   View More

 * 24/7 DOCTOR
   Pay per consult!  For a small consult fee WellCard members have access
   24/7/365 to a licensed credentialed physician.  It’s just one more way
   WellCard helps our members!
   View More

La. R.S. 22:1260(7)(D)(1)(k) - Procedures for filing complaints under the
discount medical program organization's complaint system and information that,
if the member remains dissatisfied after completing the organization's complaint
system, the program member may contact his state insurance department.
This plan is a discount plan NOT a health insurance policy.
This plan provides discounts at certain health care providers for medical
This plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services.
The plan member is obligated to pay for all health care services but will
receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted with the
discount medical plan organization.
The DMPO does make available an up-to-date list of all program providers which
includes their name, city & state, and medical specialty prior to purchase, upon
That the range of discounts for medical services provided under the plan will
vary depending on the type of provider and the medical services received.The
corporate name and the location of the licensed discount medical plan
organization is: Access One Consumer Health, Inc. 84 Villa Road, Greenville, SC
29615; 1-800-896-1962; www.accessonedmpo.com
Discounts for hospital services, if any, are not applicable in Maryland.
The program is not insurance coverage and does not meet the minimum creditable
coverage requirements under M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. The range of
discounts for medical or ancillary services provided under the program will vary
depending on the type of provider and medical or ancillary service received.
Note to Texas Consumers: Regulated by the Texas Department of Insurance, P.O.
Box 12157 Austin Texas 78711: telephone 1-800-252-3439 or (512) 463-6515;
website: www.tdi.state.texas.com
These programs are not covered by the Utah Health Insurance Guarantee Act.
WellCard Savings does not include any Discount Medical Plan Organization
services in the State of Washington.
If after receiving our response and you are not satisfied with the resolution
you may write of call: West Virginia Insurance Commissioner
This program is not available in the following states MT and VT.
This is not a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program.

 * This discount program is NOT INSURANCE.
 * The discount program provides discounts at certain healthcare providers for
   medical services.
 * The discount program does not make payment directly to the providers of
   medical services.
 * You are obligated to make payment for services but you will receive a
   discount from those providers contracted with the discount program.
 * The name of the licensed discount medical program organization is Access One
   Consumer Health, Inc. (not affiliated with AccessOne Medcard)

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