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Spring Drive

An AI B2B Agency


Do you want to spend your time finding leads or speaking to potential clients
who are already interested?

Helping B2B Companies Globally

We build you campaigns that generate real interest from your ICP

(These are actual results from our campaigns)

Anchor 1

Warm leads that have shown positive interest in your offer

We've booked sales calls with local businesses all the way up to enterprise

Responses from Prospects in our Campaigns


1. Account Based Relevance

State: Many companies will get a lead list based on a few filters and message


Problem: Databases don't get that specific. A list of marketing companies can be
filtered in many ways, but its unlikely to spell out which focus on demand
generation compared to lead generation, have an about section with details of
the team, or the differences in available pricing.

AI: We use AI to pull hyper-specific data *at scale*, so we can see what is
precisely relevant across thousands of accounts. This allows you to weed out the
irrelevant accounts (saving you from more spam complaints that kill
deliverability), tailor messaging, and create hyper-relevant segments.

Result: More positive responses from potential clients because your messages
aren't just potentially helpful, they're hyper relevant.

2. Lead Keyword Matching

State: Many companies won't be able to include matched keywords in emails across
thousands of leads.


Problem: Doing this manually takes an impossible about of time, and doing it
broadly gives blunt results.

AI: We use AI to automatically pull words from significant data (such as job
titles, job descriptions, LinkedIn about sections, etc), and score them so you
can use keywords that leads have used themselves and prioritize what you offer

Result: This is another layer of relevance that can be more sophisticated than
generic personalization because just pulling the keywords allows you to mould
and create creative and subtle copy with them.

3. Complex & Creative Workflows

State: Many companies won't be able to target pockets of their ICP that may be
hyper relevant because they're not accessible without a bit of magic.


Problem: This means there may be clients that are perfectly timed for you to
contact and get a sales call with, but you don't know how to find them.

AI: We use AI to automate complex workflows that can uncover these pockets. For
example, for some clients, we use AI to find people that have just left a job
(using even narrower timing not available in databases), and find their relevant
management hierarchy from both their previous and current companies - across
thousands of different job titles where each manager would have a different

Result: Targeting decision-makers with unique and creative timing triggers helps
you stand out from your competition and send timely messages that are much more
likely to resonate than the average.


We use the most sophisticated AI and automation sales tech so we can create
deeper-targeted lists and relevance-at-scale messaging that result in greater
resonance with your ideal clients.

From finding hidden prospects in far pockets of the datasphere, to enriching
leads with innovative and creative research, our sales tech expertise allows us
to do things most teams can't.

I'm Mohan, Founder at Spring Drive. I've been running sales campaigns across
various channels since 2018. I've broken outbound sales records at prior firms,
coached and mentored BDRs across EMEA, and built out outbound strategies for
companies from scratch.

But more importantly, I enjoy going for long walks where I contemplate life and
what I'll be having for dinner (mostly thinking about the latter actually).

Mohan's LinkedIn

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John, Co-Founder

Nick, Owner


Step 1. Research & Data

We try and get as much data as possible from your business, going deeper into
the research, so we can resonate with your prospects like nobody else.

Conventional Way

- Generic understanding of your ICP

- Broad pain research

Our Method

- Get as granular as possible with the data available to prioritize research
from the off. 

- Data matching with our ICP

- Data layering

- Client composition analysis

- Deep pain research

- Secondary data methods to obtain contextual research


Step 2. Email Deliverability

Common setups

- Minimal technical setup (one domain, maybe a few inboxes)

- High volume approach

- Warm up

- Primary domain involvement

Our method:


- Grouped inbox and domain setup through secondary domains

- Inbox rotation

- Spam word analysis for every campaign

- Spintax

- Double-validation where needed

- Send timing buffers

- Relevance targeting prioritization

- Volume through segmented micro-campaigns

- Step-Calibrated Warm up

- Ongoing domain reputation monitoring

- And more

Step 3. List Building

By using our data expertise, we create ultra-targeted segments which allows our
messaging to be hyper-relevant and far more targeted than the conventional way
of list building.

Conventional list building

- Example: 'Tech Companies in the UK under 500 employees'

- Minimal layering

Our method

- Example: 'Tech companies in the UK under 500 employees that have 'data
automation' as a service on their website and who are currently hiring for AI
engineers and data engineers.'

- Using trigger, intent and signal data to tightly segment lists

- Layering multiple data to create ultra-relevancy

Step 4. Messaging/Copy


Let's be honest, most sales copy sucks. It sounds salesy, it sounds pushy - or
it sounds like the writer is trying too hard to be cool and not be those things.
At Spring Drive we understand how to make copy that hits - writing in quick,
colloquial and honest language. We use techniques such as push/pull and
justifications to develop trust and create engagement. We're not a fan of
textbook 'Hey, are you looking for X to help with Y?' type sentences. We like
smart, earnest, and inviting messaging.

Michael Gray, FinRec

> "It's been great working with Mohan on cold email campaigns. His ability to
> use AI and get really relevant and personalized with our target decision
> makers rather than just spraying and praying has been great. It's been
> delivering leads and conversations as a powerful marketing channel for us."

Hugo Fredon, Prospeo

> "Mohan's in-depth research and understanding of our audience is not just
> impressive but effective. His hard work and strategic approach to outbound
> campaigns greatly increased our signup rate through perfect messaging and
> sequencing."


Book a Chat

Spring Drive

An AI B2B Agency

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