www.houndsy.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.houndsy.com/
Effective URL: https://www.houndsy.com/
Submission: On May 23 via api from US — Scanned from CA

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GET /search

<form action="/search" method="get" role="search" class="search search-modal__form">
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    <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon icon-caret" viewBox="0 0 10 6">
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POST /localization

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Mid-Century Modern Dog Feeder

Order Now See how it works.


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Mid-Century Modern Dog Feeder


Insert one of our stainless steel bowls inside the drawer to set your serving
size. We offer bowls for most common serving sizes.


Fill the bin with dry kibble.


Crank the lever, and it will completely fill the bowl below.



You can select a version with standard legs (bowl is 3.5" off the ground) or
elevated legs (bowl is 8" off the ground).


With the lever reachable at standing height, you no longer need to completely
bend down to feed your dogs--saving your back from strain and injury.


To pull the lever you have to slightly lift it for it to travel, creating an
auto-locking mechanism that will mitigate unintentional servings from your
clever dogs and toddlers.


The kibble dispenser has clean, simple lines and beautifully fuses wood,
plastic, and metal to produce a statement piece in your home.


Experience the most beautiful and convenient way to feed your pets.



 * How does the Kibble Dispenser safely store dog food?
   Inside the Kibble Dispenser is a BPA-free, plastic storage bin that safely
   stores your kibble
 * My dog is pretty smart. Won’t they just learn how to feed themselves?
   To pull the lever you have to slightly lift it for it to travel, creating an
   auto-locking mechanism that will mitigate unintentional servings from your
   clever dogs.
 * Can I use the kibble dispenser for my cats?
   While the Kibble Dispenser is designed for dry dog kibble, it should be able
   to dispense just about any dry kibble you can put in it!
 * How do I clean the inside storage bin?
   When the unit is empty, the inside of the unit can be cleaned by removing the
   lid and reaching into the unit. Apply a pet safe cleaning solution to a paper
   towel or rag and wipe the walls of the units to clean. Allow to air dry
   before refilling with food.
 * What serving sizes does this support? Will you offer smaller or larger
   serving size bowls?
   Houndsy currently offers bowls in the following sizes: ½ cup, ¾ cup, 1 cup, 1
   ½ cups, 2 cups, 2 ½ cups, 3 cups, and 4 cups.
 * What kind of dog food does this support?
   The Kibble Dispenser has been tested with a wide variety of dry dog foods.
   The unit is rated to store and dispense most major dry dog food brands. If
   you have oversized or odd-shaped kibble, please email hello@houndsy.com with
   your kibble brand, and we'll confirm if it's compatible.
 * Is this patented?
   Yes, we have filed for both design and utility patent protection. We are
   currently patent-pending.


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graphics, logos, images, and software, is the property of Houndsy, LLC and
protected by United States and international copyright laws. Unauthorized
reproduction, distribution, or use of this material is prohibited.

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Aruba (AWG ƒ) Austria (USD $) Belgium (USD $) Bulgaria (USD $) Canada (USD $)
Croatia (USD $) Cyprus (USD $) Czechia (USD $) Denmark (USD $) Estonia (USD $)
Finland (USD $) France (USD $) Germany (USD $) Greece (USD $) Hungary (USD $)
Ireland (USD $) Italy (USD $) Latvia (USD $) Lithuania (USD $) Luxembourg (USD
$) Malta (USD $) Netherlands (USD $) Poland (USD $) Portugal (USD $) Romania
(USD $) Slovakia (USD $) Slovenia (USD $) Spain (USD $) Sweden (USD $) United
Kingdom (USD $) United States (USD $)
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United States (USD $)
 * Aruba (AWG ƒ)
 * Austria (USD $)
 * Belgium (USD $)
 * Bulgaria (USD $)
 * Canada (USD $)
 * Croatia (USD $)
 * Cyprus (USD $)
 * Czechia (USD $)
 * Denmark (USD $)
 * Estonia (USD $)
 * Finland (USD $)
 * France (USD $)
 * Germany (USD $)
 * Greece (USD $)
 * Hungary (USD $)
 * Ireland (USD $)
 * Italy (USD $)
 * Latvia (USD $)
 * Lithuania (USD $)
 * Luxembourg (USD $)
 * Malta (USD $)
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 * Romania (USD $)
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