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                  <div class="form_response"><input id="form_cb046240-e5db-4443-937b-609edbdc2e78_1" type="checkbox" data-text="Master of Health Administration (MHA)" name="form_cb046240-e5db-4443-937b-609edbdc2e78"
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Department of Health Sciences


 1. Home
 2. Department of Health Sciences
 3. Master of Health Administration (MHA)

The University of Missouri’s nationally ranked Master of Health Administration
(MHA) degree program prepares professionals to meet the challenges of a changing
health-care industry. You can complete the degree in a traditional, in-person
format, or hybrid format.


Our traditional, on-campus MHA program has been continuously accredited by the
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME) since
1968 and is nationally ranked. The program prepares professionals to meet the
challenges of a changing health care industry. The curriculum is competency
based (modified NCHL model), focusing on ensuring students obtain the necessary
knowledge and skills to be successful in the dynamic health care market through
the incorporation of educational methods shown to be successful with adult
learners. Students have the option to pursue dual degrees with Health
Informatics (MS), Business (MBA), Industrial Engineering (MS), Law (JD), and
Public Affairs (MPA).  

Residential MHA program


Our executive MHA program is accredited (CAHME) and nationally ranked. The
executive program offers learners the quality and content of our traditional
program, but it’s delivered in a hybrid on-campus/online format following a
cohort-based model designed for experienced healthcare professionals. The
curriculum is competency-based (modified NCHL model), focusing on ensuring
students obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to be successful in the
dynamic healthcare market through the incorporation of educational methods shown
to be successful with adult learners. There is an option for a dual degree with
Health Informatics (MS).

Executive MHA program


As an MHA student, you may simultaneously earn a graduate certificate.

Graduate Certificate in Informatics for Public Health 


Mission: Our mission is to provide graduate health administration education
augmented by a health informatics perspective that is designed to prepare
capable leaders to meet the administrative needs of diverse health care

Vision: To be a leader in creating the future of early and mid-career leaders in
health care administration for a challenging and changing healthcare arena. Our
graduates will transform individual and population health.


Value – Create value through knowledge about health organizational processes
using evidence-based decision making to achieve the highest level of
population-based health. Achieve broad cultural competence in order to work
effectively in collaborative and diverse work and community environments.

Knowledge – Develop learning partnerships among the faculty, students, staff,
and health professionals for creating, disseminating, and applying knowledge to
achieve high levels of performance of health care organizations.

Leadership – Foster a learning environment in which faculty, staff, and students
envision the future and develop strategies for change.

Technology – Use advanced information technology to improve organizational
performance and individual and population health outcomes.

Quality – Create an environment for excellence in quality and for quality
improvement in all educational, research, and health services delivery


The Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) is a
global network of colleges, universities, faculty, individuals and organizations
dedicated to the improvement of health and healthcare delivery through
excellence in healthcare management and policy education. Its mission is to
foster excellence and drive innovation in health management and policy education
and promote the value of university-based management education for leadership
roles in the health sector. It is the only non-profit entity of its kind that
works to improve the delivery of health services – and thus the health of
citizens – throughout the world by educating professional managers. AUPHA’s
membership includes the premier baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degree
programs in health administration education in the United States, Canada, and
around the world. Its faculty and individual members represent more than 300
colleges and universities.


Is the MHA program accredited?

The residential and the executive MHA programs are accredited by the Commission
on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME). 

What is the application deadline?

We operate on a rolling admission which means that we accept applications until
the program begins August for residential students and January for executive
students, or until the cohort is full. To receive priority for potential
financial support within the department, residential program applications should
be submitted prior to March 1.

How long does the statement of purpose need to be?

There is no set length for the statement of purpose, but here are some ideas or
key points to address in the statement:

 * Your professional plans and career objectives
 * How you became interested in health administration/health informatics and how
   your prior training and experience would help your career
 * Specific issues and problems in health care you consider challenging and why
 * Indicate if you intend to apply to the traditional (residential) on-campus
   degree program or the distance education (executive) format

What is the minimum TOEFL/IELTS requirement for international students?

The minimum TOEFL/IELTS requirement for international students is a score of at
least 100 on the internet based exam. The minimum IELTS requirement for
international students is a score of 7.

Do you require the GRE or GMAT?

The GRE and GMAT exams are not required.

Where do recent graduates find jobs and what is the average starting salary?

We recommend that our residential students apply for fellowship positions during
their second year of study. While many students do accept fellowship positions
after graduation, many students select job positions as well. The average
fellowship salary for recent residential MHA graduates in the U.S. is $56,600,
ranging between $45,000 and $70,000 per year, according to ACHE.

Do I need to have the prerequisite courses completed prior to beginning the

No, with the exception of Statistical Analysis, we build the prerequisite
courses into the plan of study if you have not previously taken them in the
past. However, we highly recommend enrolling in the prerequisite courses if you
can before beginning the program. 

If you are an Executive applicant you can complete some of the prerequisite
materials via independent study through our website after acceptance to the

For the Executive program am I required to attend all executive onsite weekends?

Yes, all executive students are required to attend all scheduled weekend on-site
sessions. You will know the weekends you are responsible for being on campus for
the entire two-year program on acceptance.

I am applying to the Executive program, what does my letter of support need to

The letter of support for the executive program needs to be a short note from
your employer stating that they understand you are applying for the program and
that they support you in doing this.

I am applying to the Executive program; can one of my letters of recommendation
also be my letter of support?

Yes, your letter of support can also be used as a letter of recommendation. Just
be sure that your employer states in the letter that they both support and
recommend you.

How many credit hours is each course worth?

Each MHA course is worth 3 credit hours, unless otherwise stated.


First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Program(s) of Interest

Program(s) of Interest

Master of Health Administration (MHA)
Master of Health Administration- Executive Program (MHA)
Informatics for Public Health (Graduate Certificate)
Would you like to speak with our recruitment specialist to learn more about the
Would you like to speak with our recruitment specialist to learn more about the
Please provide your phone number for the call:

Additional Comments


 * Department of Health Sciences
 * Overview
 * About
   * Research
   * Directory
 * Bachelor’s degree (BHS)
   * Experiential learning
   * Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)
 * Undergraduate Minor in Health Science
 * Master’s degree (MHA)
   * Graduate outcomes
   * Residential MHA (in person)
   * Executive MHA (hybrid)
   * Admission and application
   * Funding opportunities
   * Information for international students
   * HMI Alumni Organization
 * Graduate Certificate in Informatics for Public Health 


Diki Lama
326 Clark Hall

MHA program director

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College of Health Sciences

510 Lewis Hall

Columbia, MO 65211

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