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3XL - $41.00 USD Black / 4XL - $41.00 USD Green / L - $41.00 USD Green / XL -
$41.00 USD Green / 2XL - $41.00 USD Green / 3XL - $41.00 USD Green / 4XL -
$41.00 USD
− +
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[{"id":41304006492360,"title":"Black \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Black \/
L","public_title":"Black \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Black \/
XL","public_title":"Black \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Black \/
2XL","public_title":"Black \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Black \/
3XL","public_title":"Black \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Black \/
4XL","public_title":"Black \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Green \/
L","public_title":"Green \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Green \/
XL","public_title":"Green \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Green \/
2XL","public_title":"Green \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Green \/
3XL","public_title":"Green \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Green \/
4XL","public_title":"Green \/
{"id":41304006492360,"title":"Black \/
Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses - Black \/
L","public_title":"Black \/
 * Details
 * Size Chart
 * Shipping

 * Item Code:8888888889408
 * Material: Linen Cotton
 * Pattern: Plaid
 * Highlight:Soft;Breathy;
 * Season: Autumn;Spring
 * Sleeve:Long sleeve 
 * Size:One size fits all for this item.    Please make sure your size doesn't
   exceed this size:
   Size L/US16-18/EUR44
   bust 105cm / 40.95"
   Size XL/BUST-110cm
   bust 110cm / 42.9"
   Size XXL/BUST-115cm
   bust 115cm / 44.85"
   Size 3XL/BUST-120cm
   bust 120cm / 46.8"
   Size 4XL/BUST-125cm
   bust 125cm / 48.75"
   Waist-Loose Fit. Comfortable room throughout midsection.
   Hip-Loose Fit - room for hips.

 *  Washing Recommendations:Hand Wash Clod.

 * Spring Bohemian linen cotton O-Neck asymmetric shirt Dresses are great for
   the woman who wants to add a little bit of color and creativity to her
   wardrobe without going too far from what she is comfortable in.


Size Chart

Sizes can vary from 2-3 centimeters because they are measured by
hand.1inch=2.54cm The size matched on a label can differ from the one you have

Product Size
 * Cm
 * In

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 93 - 98 75 - 80 98 - 103 L/EU 42-44, US
10-12 98 - 103 80 - 85 103 - 108 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 103 - 111 85 - 93 108 -
116 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 111 - 116 93 - 98 116 - 123 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18
116 - 123 98 - 105 123 - 130 4XL/EU 50-52, US 18-20 123 - 130 105 - 112 130 -
137 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 130 - 137 112 - 119 137 - 144

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 36.6 - 38.6 29.5 - 31.5 38.6 - 40.6 L/EU
42-44, US 10-12 38.6 - 40.6 31.5 - 33.5 40.6 - 42.5 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 40.6 -
43.7 33.5 - 36.6 42.5 - 45.7 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 43.7 - 45.7 36.6 - 38.6 45.7
- 48.4 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18 45.7 - 48.4 38.6 - 41.3 48.4 - 51.2 4XL/EU 50-52,
US 18-20 48.4 - 51.2 41.3 - 44.1 51.2 - 53.9 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 51.2 - 53.9
44.1 - 46.9 53.9 - 56.7

International Size

Size EU US/CA UK/AU/NZ M 40-42 8-10 12-14 L 42-44 10-12 14-16 XL 44-46 12-14
16-18 2XL 46-48 14-16 18-20 3XL 48-50 16-18 20-22 4XL 50-52 18-20 22-24 5XL
52-54 20-22 24-26

 * Chest/Bust:Measure circumference around the widest part chest/best
 * Waist:Measure natural waist where pants sit(think regular rise pants).
 * Hips:Stand straight and measure around the largest circumference at hips.


Shipping Notification:

1,(In stock), Shipping Within 24 Hours on Businese Day.And If ordered together
with unavailable items will be shipped within a week.

2,(Out of stock),Processing Time: 2-5 Business days Normally.

Shipping time(Except Processing Time):


  Estimated Time of Arrival  


Standard Shipping

To US,UK,CA: 7-12 Business Days

To Other: 8-15 Business Days


(Free over $120)

Urgent Shipping

3-5 Business Days


 (Free over $199)

In general,there only be a small number of countries need to clear customs.if
unfortunately,your order need to clear customs tax,and you need to make a
payment again,please contact with us directly first.We will help you with
certain amount of the tax,please do not worry about it.

Customs And Import Duty

1.Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?

Please be advised that your shipping address cannot be revised after the order
has been placed successfully.However,before your order being shipped,we will try
our best to help you to revise your shipping address.So please make sure that
your shipping address is right and if you have any question,please feel free to
contact with us first,we will be very glad to help you solve the matter.

2.I am not satisfied with the product. What can I do?

If you are not satisfied with the product you received,you’d better return it to
us in new condition within 30 days from the delivered date,or we would refuse to
accept your request.


Quick view

Summer Linen Cotton O-Neck Loose Fitting Dress
Regular price $68.00 Sale price$58.00
Quick view

Stylish Linen V Neck Print Fall Tops
Quick view

Casual Linen Button Print Shirt
Quick view

Literary Loose Solid Color Linen Dress
Quick view

Summer Linen O-Neck Floral Print Retro Shirt
Regular price $90.00 Sale price$79.99

Summer Linen Cotton O-Neck Loose Fitting Dress

Regular price $68.00 Sale price $58.00


 * Details
 * Size Chart
 * Shipping

 * Item Code: 7297723587
 * SKU: BK-2661
 * Color: Green
 * Material : 55%Linen. 45%Cotton
 * O-neck
 * Pure Color
 * Round Neck
 * Short Sleeve
 * Summer
 * Washing Recommendations: Hand Wash With Cold Water;Iron at Low Temperature if
   Necessary(Less than 160 degrees); Soft Machine Washing
 * This ultra-comfortable dress is made of a soft, stretchy cotton knit that
   doesn't hold you back. The loose fit and light fabric make this a classic
   maternity and plus size dress.


Sizes can vary from 2-3 centimeters because they are measured by
hand.1inch=2.54cm The size matched on a label can differ from the one you have

Product Size
 * Cm
 * In

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 93 - 98 75 - 80 98 - 103 L/EU 42-44, US
10-12 98 - 103 80 - 85 103 - 108 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 103 - 111 85 - 93 108 -
116 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 111 - 116 93 - 98 116 - 123 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18
116 - 123 98 - 105 123 - 130 4XL/EU 50-52, US 18-20 123 - 130 105 - 112 130 -
137 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 130 - 137 112 - 119 137 - 144

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 36.6 - 38.6 29.5 - 31.5 38.6 - 40.6 L/EU
42-44, US 10-12 38.6 - 40.6 31.5 - 33.5 40.6 - 42.5 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 40.6 -
43.7 33.5 - 36.6 42.5 - 45.7 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 43.7 - 45.7 36.6 - 38.6 45.7
- 48.4 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18 45.7 - 48.4 38.6 - 41.3 48.4 - 51.2 4XL/EU 50-52,
US 18-20 48.4 - 51.2 41.3 - 44.1 51.2 - 53.9 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 51.2 - 53.9
44.1 - 46.9 53.9 - 56.7

International Size

Size EU US/CA UK/AU/NZ M 40-42 8-10 12-14 L 42-44 10-12 14-16 XL 44-46 12-14
16-18 2XL 46-48 14-16 18-20 3XL 48-50 16-18 20-22 4XL 50-52 18-20 22-24 5XL
52-54 20-22 24-26

 * Chest/Bust:Measure circumference around the widest part chest/best
 * Waist:Measure natural waist where pants sit(think regular rise pants).
 * Hips:Stand straight and measure around the largest circumference at hips.

Size Chart


Shipping Notification:

1,(In stock), Shipping Within 24 Hours on Businese Day.And If ordered together
with unavailable items will be shipped within a week.

2,(Out of stock),Processing Time: 2-5 Business days Normally.

Shipping time(Except Processing Time):


  Estimated Time of Arrival  


Standard Shipping

To US,UK,CA: 7-12 Business Days

To Other: 8-15 Business Days


(Free over $120)

Urgent Shipping

3-5 Business Days


 (Free over $199)

In general,there only be a small number of countries need to clear customs.if
unfortunately,your order need to clear customs tax,and you need to make a
payment again,please contact with us directly first.We will help you with
certain amount of the tax,please do not worry about it.

Customs And Import Duty

1.Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?

Please be advised that your shipping address cannot be revised after the order
has been placed successfully.However,before your order being shipped,we will try
our best to help you to revise your shipping address.So please make sure that
your shipping address is right and if you have any question,please feel free to
contact with us first,we will be very glad to help you solve the matter.

2.I am not satisfied with the product. What can I do?

If you are not satisfied with the product you received,you’d better return it to
us in new condition within 30 days from the delivered date,or we would refuse to
accept your request.

"Close (esc)"

Stylish Linen V Neck Print Fall Tops

Regular price $45.00


 * Details
 * Size Chart
 * Shipping

 * Item Code:8888888889543
 * Material: Linen
 * Pattern:Print
 * Highlight:Soft;Breathy;
 * Season: Summer;
 * Size:Six sizes fit all for this item. Please make sure your size doesn't
   exceed this size:
   Length: Size 3XL measures 28.47"from shoulder to hem
   Bust: Great for any cup size.
   Waist: Loose Fit.
 * Washing Recommendations:Hand Wash Clod.
 * This Fall are you looking for the perfect look? Look no further as you've
   found it! Our V Neck Print Long sleeve tops are perfect for anyone this Fall!
   Stylish, comfortable and stylish.


Sizes can vary from 2-3 centimeters because they are measured by
hand.1inch=2.54cm The size matched on a label can differ from the one you have

Product Size
 * Cm
 * In

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 93 - 98 75 - 80 98 - 103 L/EU 42-44, US
10-12 98 - 103 80 - 85 103 - 108 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 103 - 111 85 - 93 108 -
116 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 111 - 116 93 - 98 116 - 123 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18
116 - 123 98 - 105 123 - 130 4XL/EU 50-52, US 18-20 123 - 130 105 - 112 130 -
137 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 130 - 137 112 - 119 137 - 144

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 36.6 - 38.6 29.5 - 31.5 38.6 - 40.6 L/EU
42-44, US 10-12 38.6 - 40.6 31.5 - 33.5 40.6 - 42.5 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 40.6 -
43.7 33.5 - 36.6 42.5 - 45.7 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 43.7 - 45.7 36.6 - 38.6 45.7
- 48.4 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18 45.7 - 48.4 38.6 - 41.3 48.4 - 51.2 4XL/EU 50-52,
US 18-20 48.4 - 51.2 41.3 - 44.1 51.2 - 53.9 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 51.2 - 53.9
44.1 - 46.9 53.9 - 56.7

International Size

Size EU US/CA UK/AU/NZ M 40-42 8-10 12-14 L 42-44 10-12 14-16 XL 44-46 12-14
16-18 2XL 46-48 14-16 18-20 3XL 48-50 16-18 20-22 4XL 50-52 18-20 22-24 5XL
52-54 20-22 24-26

 * Chest/Bust:Measure circumference around the widest part chest/best
 * Waist:Measure natural waist where pants sit(think regular rise pants).
 * Hips:Stand straight and measure around the largest circumference at hips.

Size Chart


Shipping Notification:

1,(In stock), Shipping Within 24 Hours on Businese Day.And If ordered together
with unavailable items will be shipped within a week.

2,(Out of stock),Processing Time: 2-5 Business days Normally.

Shipping time(Except Processing Time):


  Estimated Time of Arrival  


Standard Shipping

To US,UK,CA: 7-12 Business Days

To Other: 8-15 Business Days


(Free over $120)

Urgent Shipping

3-5 Business Days


 (Free over $199)

In general,there only be a small number of countries need to clear customs.if
unfortunately,your order need to clear customs tax,and you need to make a
payment again,please contact with us directly first.We will help you with
certain amount of the tax,please do not worry about it.

Customs And Import Duty

1.Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?

Please be advised that your shipping address cannot be revised after the order
has been placed successfully.However,before your order being shipped,we will try
our best to help you to revise your shipping address.So please make sure that
your shipping address is right and if you have any question,please feel free to
contact with us first,we will be very glad to help you solve the matter.

2.I am not satisfied with the product. What can I do?

If you are not satisfied with the product you received,you’d better return it to
us in new condition within 30 days from the delivered date,or we would refuse to
accept your request.

"Close (esc)"

Casual Linen Button Print Shirt

Regular price $58.00


 * Details
 * Size Chart
 * Shipping

 * Item Code:8888888889549
 * Material: Linen
 * Pattern:Print
 * Highlight:Soft;Breathy;
 * Season: Summer;
 * Size:Four sizes fit all for this item. Please make sure your size doesn't
   exceed this size:
   Length: Size XL measures 25.35"from shoulder to hem
   Bust: Great for any cup size.
   Waist: Loose Fit. Comfortable room throughout midsection.
   Hip: Loose Fit - room for hips.
 * Washing Recommendations:Hand Wash Clod.
 * Wear your fashion statement on your body! With this shirt, you can show off
   your own sense of style. This shirt is made from linen, which is a natural
   fiber. The shirt comes in gray and has a black print with dots and polka


Sizes can vary from 2-3 centimeters because they are measured by
hand.1inch=2.54cm The size matched on a label can differ from the one you have

Product Size
 * Cm
 * In

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 93 - 98 75 - 80 98 - 103 L/EU 42-44, US
10-12 98 - 103 80 - 85 103 - 108 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 103 - 111 85 - 93 108 -
116 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 111 - 116 93 - 98 116 - 123 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18
116 - 123 98 - 105 123 - 130 4XL/EU 50-52, US 18-20 123 - 130 105 - 112 130 -
137 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 130 - 137 112 - 119 137 - 144

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 36.6 - 38.6 29.5 - 31.5 38.6 - 40.6 L/EU
42-44, US 10-12 38.6 - 40.6 31.5 - 33.5 40.6 - 42.5 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 40.6 -
43.7 33.5 - 36.6 42.5 - 45.7 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 43.7 - 45.7 36.6 - 38.6 45.7
- 48.4 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18 45.7 - 48.4 38.6 - 41.3 48.4 - 51.2 4XL/EU 50-52,
US 18-20 48.4 - 51.2 41.3 - 44.1 51.2 - 53.9 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 51.2 - 53.9
44.1 - 46.9 53.9 - 56.7

International Size

Size EU US/CA UK/AU/NZ M 40-42 8-10 12-14 L 42-44 10-12 14-16 XL 44-46 12-14
16-18 2XL 46-48 14-16 18-20 3XL 48-50 16-18 20-22 4XL 50-52 18-20 22-24 5XL
52-54 20-22 24-26

 * Chest/Bust:Measure circumference around the widest part chest/best
 * Waist:Measure natural waist where pants sit(think regular rise pants).
 * Hips:Stand straight and measure around the largest circumference at hips.

Size Chart


Shipping Notification:

1,(In stock), Shipping Within 24 Hours on Businese Day.And If ordered together
with unavailable items will be shipped within a week.

2,(Out of stock),Processing Time: 2-5 Business days Normally.

Shipping time(Except Processing Time):


  Estimated Time of Arrival  


Standard Shipping

To US,UK,CA: 7-12 Business Days

To Other: 8-15 Business Days


(Free over $120)

Urgent Shipping

3-5 Business Days


 (Free over $199)

In general,there only be a small number of countries need to clear customs.if
unfortunately,your order need to clear customs tax,and you need to make a
payment again,please contact with us directly first.We will help you with
certain amount of the tax,please do not worry about it.

Customs And Import Duty

1.Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?

Please be advised that your shipping address cannot be revised after the order
has been placed successfully.However,before your order being shipped,we will try
our best to help you to revise your shipping address.So please make sure that
your shipping address is right and if you have any question,please feel free to
contact with us first,we will be very glad to help you solve the matter.

2.I am not satisfied with the product. What can I do?

If you are not satisfied with the product you received,you’d better return it to
us in new condition within 30 days from the delivered date,or we would refuse to
accept your request.

"Close (esc)"

Literary Loose Solid Color Linen Dress

Regular price $32.00


 * Details
 * Size Chart
 * Shipping

 * Item Code:8888888889547
 * Material: Linen
 * Pattern:Solid Color
 * Highlight:Soft;Breathy;
 * Season: Summer;
 * Size:Four sizes fit all for this item. Please make sure your size doesn't
   exceed this size:
   Length: 102cm
   Shoulder: 38cm
   Bust: 98cm
   Sleeve Length: 17.5cm
   Cuff: 35cm
   Length: 103cm
   Shoulder: 39cm
   Bust: 102cm
   Sleeve Length: 18.5cm
   Cuff: 36cm
   Length: 104cm
   Shoulder: 40cm
   Bust: 106cm
   Sleeve Length: 19.5cm
   Cuff: 37cm
   Length: 105cm
   Shoulder: 41cm
   Bust: 110cm
   Sleeve Length: 20.5cm
   Cuff: 38cm
 * Washing Recommendations:Hand Wash Clod.
 * Do you want to look like a literary loose solid color linen dress? This
   elegant dress is the perfect symbol of high class, sophistication and
   elegance. It is suitable for a wide variety of occasions and can be worn on
   any season.


Sizes can vary from 2-3 centimeters because they are measured by
hand.1inch=2.54cm The size matched on a label can differ from the one you have

Product Size
 * Cm
 * In

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 93 - 98 75 - 80 98 - 103 L/EU 42-44, US
10-12 98 - 103 80 - 85 103 - 108 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 103 - 111 85 - 93 108 -
116 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 111 - 116 93 - 98 116 - 123 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18
116 - 123 98 - 105 123 - 130 4XL/EU 50-52, US 18-20 123 - 130 105 - 112 130 -
137 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 130 - 137 112 - 119 137 - 144

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 36.6 - 38.6 29.5 - 31.5 38.6 - 40.6 L/EU
42-44, US 10-12 38.6 - 40.6 31.5 - 33.5 40.6 - 42.5 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 40.6 -
43.7 33.5 - 36.6 42.5 - 45.7 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 43.7 - 45.7 36.6 - 38.6 45.7
- 48.4 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18 45.7 - 48.4 38.6 - 41.3 48.4 - 51.2 4XL/EU 50-52,
US 18-20 48.4 - 51.2 41.3 - 44.1 51.2 - 53.9 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 51.2 - 53.9
44.1 - 46.9 53.9 - 56.7

International Size

Size EU US/CA UK/AU/NZ M 40-42 8-10 12-14 L 42-44 10-12 14-16 XL 44-46 12-14
16-18 2XL 46-48 14-16 18-20 3XL 48-50 16-18 20-22 4XL 50-52 18-20 22-24 5XL
52-54 20-22 24-26

 * Chest/Bust:Measure circumference around the widest part chest/best
 * Waist:Measure natural waist where pants sit(think regular rise pants).
 * Hips:Stand straight and measure around the largest circumference at hips.

Size Chart


Shipping Notification:

1,(In stock), Shipping Within 24 Hours on Businese Day.And If ordered together
with unavailable items will be shipped within a week.

2,(Out of stock),Processing Time: 2-5 Business days Normally.

Shipping time(Except Processing Time):


  Estimated Time of Arrival  


Standard Shipping

To US,UK,CA: 7-12 Business Days

To Other: 8-15 Business Days


(Free over $120)

Urgent Shipping

3-5 Business Days


 (Free over $199)

In general,there only be a small number of countries need to clear customs.if
unfortunately,your order need to clear customs tax,and you need to make a
payment again,please contact with us directly first.We will help you with
certain amount of the tax,please do not worry about it.

Customs And Import Duty

1.Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?

Please be advised that your shipping address cannot be revised after the order
has been placed successfully.However,before your order being shipped,we will try
our best to help you to revise your shipping address.So please make sure that
your shipping address is right and if you have any question,please feel free to
contact with us first,we will be very glad to help you solve the matter.

2.I am not satisfied with the product. What can I do?

If you are not satisfied with the product you received,you’d better return it to
us in new condition within 30 days from the delivered date,or we would refuse to
accept your request.

"Close (esc)"

Summer Linen O-Neck Floral Print Retro Shirt

Regular price $90.00 Sale price $79.99


 * Details
 * Size Chart
 * Shipping

 * Item Code:6568896266302
 * Material: 100%Linen
 * Collar: Stand Collar
 * Pattern: Flower
 * Highlight: Print.Irregular Hem.Button
 * Season: Spring.Autumn.Summer
 * PS:The color of the shirt produced in each batch is different.
 * Washing Recommendations: At 30 or 40 degrees. machine wash. lay flat to
   dry.Iron it while it is still damp.
 * This Plus Size 100% Linen Floral Print Retro Shirt is the perfect way to
   welcome spring! The floral print looks great on it's own.It is big and
   beautiful and has that "retro" feel to it.


Sizes can vary from 2-3 centimeters because they are measured by
hand.1inch=2.54cm The size matched on a label can differ from the one you have

Product Size
 * Cm
 * In

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 93 - 98 75 - 80 98 - 103 L/EU 42-44, US
10-12 98 - 103 80 - 85 103 - 108 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 103 - 111 85 - 93 108 -
116 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 111 - 116 93 - 98 116 - 123 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18
116 - 123 98 - 105 123 - 130 4XL/EU 50-52, US 18-20 123 - 130 105 - 112 130 -
137 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 130 - 137 112 - 119 137 - 144

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 36.6 - 38.6 29.5 - 31.5 38.6 - 40.6 L/EU
42-44, US 10-12 38.6 - 40.6 31.5 - 33.5 40.6 - 42.5 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 40.6 -
43.7 33.5 - 36.6 42.5 - 45.7 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 43.7 - 45.7 36.6 - 38.6 45.7
- 48.4 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18 45.7 - 48.4 38.6 - 41.3 48.4 - 51.2 4XL/EU 50-52,
US 18-20 48.4 - 51.2 41.3 - 44.1 51.2 - 53.9 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 51.2 - 53.9
44.1 - 46.9 53.9 - 56.7

International Size

Size EU US/CA UK/AU/NZ M 40-42 8-10 12-14 L 42-44 10-12 14-16 XL 44-46 12-14
16-18 2XL 46-48 14-16 18-20 3XL 48-50 16-18 20-22 4XL 50-52 18-20 22-24 5XL
52-54 20-22 24-26

 * Chest/Bust:Measure circumference around the widest part chest/best
 * Waist:Measure natural waist where pants sit(think regular rise pants).
 * Hips:Stand straight and measure around the largest circumference at hips.

Size Chart


Shipping Notification:

1,(In stock), Shipping Within 24 Hours on Businese Day.And If ordered together
with unavailable items will be shipped within a week.

2,(Out of stock),Processing Time: 2-5 Business days Normally.

Shipping time(Except Processing Time):


  Estimated Time of Arrival  


Standard Shipping

To US,UK,CA: 7-12 Business Days

To Other: 8-15 Business Days


(Free over $120)

Urgent Shipping

3-5 Business Days


 (Free over $199)

In general,there only be a small number of countries need to clear customs.if
unfortunately,your order need to clear customs tax,and you need to make a
payment again,please contact with us directly first.We will help you with
certain amount of the tax,please do not worry about it.

Customs And Import Duty

1.Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?

Please be advised that your shipping address cannot be revised after the order
has been placed successfully.However,before your order being shipped,we will try
our best to help you to revise your shipping address.So please make sure that
your shipping address is right and if you have any question,please feel free to
contact with us first,we will be very glad to help you solve the matter.

2.I am not satisfied with the product. What can I do?

If you are not satisfied with the product you received,you’d better return it to
us in new condition within 30 days from the delivered date,or we would refuse to
accept your request.

"Close (esc)"

Summer Linen Cotton Plaid Midi Dress

Regular price $138.88 Sale price $48.99


 * Details
 * Size Chart
 * Shipping

 * Item Code:8888888889379
 * Material: Linen Cotton
 * Pattern: Plaid
 * Highlight:Soft;Breathy;
 * Season: Summer
 * Sleeve:Short sleeve 
 * Size:Six sizes fits all for this item.    Please make sure your size doesn't
   exceed this size:
   Size 3XL 
   Bust-Great for any cup size.
   Waist-Loose Fit. Comfortable room throughout midsection.
   Hip-Loose Fit - room for hips.

 *  Washing Recommendations:Hand Wash Clod.

 * This stunning Summer Plaid Linen Cotton Midi Dress is the perfect addition to
   your wardrobe. It's lightweight, cool, and comfortable with a complimentary
   neckline and sleeves. We love pairing this dress with a cardigan and sandals
   for an afternoon picnic or date night.


Sizes can vary from 2-3 centimeters because they are measured by
hand.1inch=2.54cm The size matched on a label can differ from the one you have

Product Size
 * Cm
 * In

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 93 - 98 75 - 80 98 - 103 L/EU 42-44, US
10-12 98 - 103 80 - 85 103 - 108 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 103 - 111 85 - 93 108 -
116 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 111 - 116 93 - 98 116 - 123 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18
116 - 123 98 - 105 123 - 130 4XL/EU 50-52, US 18-20 123 - 130 105 - 112 130 -
137 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 130 - 137 112 - 119 137 - 144

Size BUST WAIST HIP M/EU 40-42, US 8-10 36.6 - 38.6 29.5 - 31.5 38.6 - 40.6 L/EU
42-44, US 10-12 38.6 - 40.6 31.5 - 33.5 40.6 - 42.5 XL/EU 44-46, US 12-14 40.6 -
43.7 33.5 - 36.6 42.5 - 45.7 2XL/EU 46-48, US 14-16 43.7 - 45.7 36.6 - 38.6 45.7
- 48.4 3XL/EU 48-50, US 16-18 45.7 - 48.4 38.6 - 41.3 48.4 - 51.2 4XL/EU 50-52,
US 18-20 48.4 - 51.2 41.3 - 44.1 51.2 - 53.9 5XL/EU 52-54, US 20-22 51.2 - 53.9
44.1 - 46.9 53.9 - 56.7

International Size

Size EU US/CA UK/AU/NZ M 40-42 8-10 12-14 L 42-44 10-12 14-16 XL 44-46 12-14
16-18 2XL 46-48 14-16 18-20 3XL 48-50 16-18 20-22 4XL 50-52 18-20 22-24 5XL
52-54 20-22 24-26

 * Chest/Bust:Measure circumference around the widest part chest/best
 * Waist:Measure natural waist where pants sit(think regular rise pants).
 * Hips:Stand straight and measure around the largest circumference at hips.

Size Chart


Shipping Notification:

1,(In stock), Shipping Within 24 Hours on Businese Day.And If ordered together
with unavailable items will be shipped within a week.

2,(Out of stock),Processing Time: 2-5 Business days Normally.

Shipping time(Except Processing Time):


  Estimated Time of Arrival  


Standard Shipping

To US,UK,CA: 7-12 Business Days

To Other: 8-15 Business Days


(Free over $120)

Urgent Shipping

3-5 Business Days


 (Free over $199)

In general,there only be a small number of countries need to clear customs.if
unfortunately,your order need to clear customs tax,and you need to make a
payment again,please contact with us directly first.We will help you with
certain amount of the tax,please do not worry about it.

Customs And Import Duty

1.Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?

Please be advised that your shipping address cannot be revised after the order
has been placed successfully.However,before your order being shipped,we will try
our best to help you to revise your shipping address.So please make sure that
your shipping address is right and if you have any question,please feel free to
contact with us first,we will be very glad to help you solve the matter.

2.I am not satisfied with the product. What can I do?

If you are not satisfied with the product you received,you’d better return it to
us in new condition within 30 days from the delivered date,or we would refuse to
accept your request.

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Relaxvv was born out of the belief that we women can be more Ourselves, Love
ourselves and have our own independent ideas about life. Relaxvv is not only
what we believe in but it is also what we wear.

Email us: support@relaxvv.com

Address: Room 1121, 3rd Floor, No. 191, Liyuan North Street, Tongzhou District,

Phone: +8615601792057


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