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Posted bydiovaniedejesusMay 11, 2015May 11, 2015Posted inKalikasan,
PakikipagsapalaranTags:adventure, conservation, Philippines, photo bomber, sea
turtle, turtle photobomber

We did not quite expect that Pawi the turtle photo bomber (yes, we named her
Pawi from the Filipino word “pawikan” which means sea turtle) would be famous
not just on my social media accounts but would go viral worldwide! Friends
started liking and sharing the photo. It was picked up by the local news and
soon the international media asked if they could feature it as well. Then boom,
Pawi appeared  in 9GAG, boredpanda and even landed a spot on Time!

The photo became really famous and many took the effort to make memes out of it.

Source:www.reddit.com Source:www.reddit.com Source:www.reddit.com Source:
http://www.reddit.com Source:www.reddit.com

Like the numerous comments, it wasn’t really Pawi who photobombed, it was us. My
friends and I realized that she deserves the spotlight. Through the photo, we
promoted wildlife conservation, environmental protection and sustainable

Sea turtles are endangered!

Pawi may  be happily swimming in Apo Island but hundreds of her kind are out
there threatened.

Source: Philippine National Police Maritime Group- Special Boat Unit

Last year 2014, the Philippine National Police (PNP) caught Chinese fishermen
with more than 500 dead turtles on their boat. Chinese poach turtles for
traditional medicine.

Source: Philippine National Police Maritime Group- Special Boat Unit

Back in 2013, the PNP Maritime Group arrested Malaysian fishermen in possession
of roughly  10,000 sea turtle eggs, 2 sacks of dried sea turtle meat and 3 sacks
of dried giant clams meat.

Source: D’Bone Collector Museum

A green sea turtle was found dead last April 2015, with these in its stomach.

Source: RARE Philippines, FIshForever Project

In another coastal town in the Philippines, a leatherback turtle was butchered
for its meat.

Source: http://www.rappler.com/move-ph/92326-guimaras-turtle-tied

Another turtle went viral last week because it was kept tied in a tourist area
in the Philippines.

What can you do?

In your own way, you can do something. Pawi the turtle photobomber is a very
good example that you can educate people and raise social awareness through
social media. Do not buy sea turtle products such as meat for medicinal purposes
and  jewelry from their shells. Do not patronize tourist attractions that
exploit wildlife. Don’t throw your garbage into the ocean.

Save sea turtles!


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Turtle photo-bomber!April 21, 2015In "Kalikasan"

Swimming with sea turtles of PandanMarch 26, 2015In "Kalikasan"

Chronicles of Tawi-TawiMay 22, 2013In "Kalikasan"

Posted bydiovaniedejesusMay 11, 2015May 11, 2015Posted inKalikasan,
PakikipagsapalaranTags:adventure, conservation, Philippines, photo bomber, sea
turtle, turtle photobomber


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 1. remelyndr says:
    May 12, 2015 at 6:34 am
    Reblogged this on Life on field and anything over and underwater.




 * Chronicles of Tawi-Tawi: Sea turles of San Miguel Islands
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