A1, BG

Seen 6 times between May 10th, 2024 and May 10th, 2024.

General Info Open in Search

Geo Sofia, Bulgaria (BG) —
AS AS8717 - A1, BG
Note: An IP might be announced by multiple ASs. This is not shown.
Registrar RIPENCC
Route (Route of ASN)

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Recent scans (6 total) Show all

corner.dir.bg/futbol/bezsanna-nosht-gruziya-poludya-sled-nay-magicheskata-si-... a month
corner.dir.bg/futbol/bezsanna-nosht-gruziya-poludya-sled-nay-magicheskata-si-... a month
corner.dir.bg/futbol/bezsanna-nosht-gruziya-poludya-sled-nay-magicheskata-si-... a month
maxsport.live 2 months
maxsport.live 2 months

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Screenshots of pages that talked to this domain

Recently observed hostnames on 'dirbg.eu'
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DNS recordsRetrieved via DNS ANY query

A (TTL: 21600)
MX mail.dirbg.eu (Priority: 10)
NS ns.idealcandidate.bg
NS ns2.idealcandidate.bg
TXT v=spf1 +a +mx ~all
SOA ns.idealcandidate.bg
hostmaster: marius.dir.bg / serial: 2024011106 / refresh: 28800 / retry: 7200 / expire: 1209600 / minttl: 86400 /

WHOIS for dirbg.eu

Domain: dirbg.eu
Script: LATIN

        Visit www.eurid.eu for webbased WHOIS.

        Organisation: Jump.BG
        Language: bg
        Email: domains@jump.bg

        Name: Jump.bg Ltd.
        Website: https://www.jump.bg/

Name servers:

Please visit www.eurid.eu for more info.