
Seen 20000+ times between May 7th, 2024 and May 7th, 2024.

General Info Open in Search

Geo Tokyo, Hyogo, Japan (JP) —
AS AS16509 - AMAZON-02, US
Note: An IP might be announced by multiple ASs. This is not shown.
Registrar ARIN
Route (Route of ASN)
PTR ec2-13-112-158-21.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com(PTR record of primary IP)

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Direct hits
Summary of pages hosted on this domain

Recent scans (10000 total) Show all

profile.hatena.ne.jp 3 days
profile.hatena.ne.jp/keocuoccom/profile 5 days
profile.hatena.ne.jp/keocuoccom/profile 5 days
profile.hatena.ne.jp/melanie_elling_83912/ 5 days
profile.hatena.ne.jp/okvipmediatv/ 5 days

Incoming hits
Summary of pages that talked to this domain

Recent scans (10000 total) Show all

e-minoh.com 11 minutes
sefurepanic.blog 2 hours
terukobayashi.com 3 hours
www.ntt-rm.co.jp/topics/case/a24 3 hours
ojisanndaradara.hatenablog.jp 6 hours

Recent screenshots
Screenshots of pages hosted on this domain

Related infrastructure
Summary of infrastructure which pages hosted on this domain frequently talked to

Related screenshots
Screenshots of pages that talked to this domain

Recently observed hostnames on 'hatena.ne.jp'
Searching for newly observed domains and hostnames is possible on our urlscan Pro platform.

ingestly-test.hatena.ne.jp | 2022-05-23 river.hatena.ne.jp | 2021-07-01 dev.hatena.ne.jp | 2021-06-02 blog-staging.dev.hatena.ne.jp | 2021-05-11 blog-dev.dev.hatena.ne.jp | 2021-05-11 paykeeper.dev.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-12-10 blackmarket.dev.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-10-28 redash.b-staging.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-07-20 b-dev.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-07-20 admin.b-staging.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-07-14 ng-auth.blog.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-07-03 instagram.auth-sandbox.blog.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-07-02 staging.auth-sandbox.blog.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-07-02 iframe.www.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-06-26 google.auth-sandbox.blog.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-06-24 staging.auth.blog.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-06-24 giga-redash.dev.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-06-18 www.example.com.dev.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-06-18 auth-sandbox.blog.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-06-05 auth.blog.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-03-16 m2.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-01-31 api.b-staging.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-01-24 cdn.api.b-staging.hatena.ne.jp | 2020-01-24 f2.hatena.ne.jp | 2019-12-02 m.hatena.ne.jp | 2019-12-02 b-staging.hatena.ne.jp | 2019-12-02 policies.hatena.ne.jp | 2019-11-30 api.b.hatena.ne.jp | 2019-09-25 ext.b.admin.hatena.ne.jp | 2019-01-16 admin.b.hatena.ne.jp | 2019-01-08 bext.admin.hatena.ne.jp | 2019-01-08 notify.hatena.ne.jp | 2018-12-05 developer.hatena.ne.jp | 2018-04-23 img.f.hatena.ne.jp | 2018-04-17 favicon.hatena.ne.jp | 2018-02-08 maintenance.hatena.ne.jp | 2017-12-16 n.hatena.ne.jp | 2017-08-29 profile.hatena.ne.jp | 2017-06-30 counter.hatena.ne.jp | 2017-04-27 f.hatena.ne.jp | 2017-04-27 blog.hatena.ne.jp | 2017-04-17 k.hatena.ne.jp | 2016-11-28 q.hatena.ne.jp | 2016-11-28 d.hatena.ne.jp | 2016-09-25 cdn.api.b.hatena.ne.jp | 2016-03-07 cdn.b.hatena.ne.jp | 2016-03-07 cdn.f.hatena.ne.jp | 2016-03-07 cdn.favicon.hatena.ne.jp | 2016-03-07 cdn.mogile.archive.hatena.ne.jp | 2016-03-07 cdn.www.hatena.ne.jp | 2016-03-07

DNS recordsRetrieved via DNS ANY query

A (TTL: 60)
A (TTL: 60)
MX aspmx.l.google.com (Priority: 1)
MX alt3.aspmx.l.google.com (Priority: 10)
MX alt4.aspmx.l.google.com (Priority: 10)
MX alt1.aspmx.l.google.com (Priority: 5)
MX alt2.aspmx.l.google.com (Priority: 5)
NS ns-451.awsdns-56.com
NS ns-947.awsdns-54.net
NS ns-1239.awsdns-26.org
NS ns-1574.awsdns-04.co.uk
TXT apple-domain-verification=CdvKMEI4ZV6sz4UX
TXT asv=a8e5d273b76f88deefc224b6a9ce68b0
TXT fastly-domain-delegation-TBHvHH7DYm1opbV-490434-2022-05-19
TXT google-site-verification=83SvSrNSkfG7S6MdBNm4GLwYtj2nES5OPUJs0BatXbE
TXT google-site-verification=hrx_H2uVYkfLApl2EI055w2RWF0f57Io2394j8Q_3xs
TXT v=spf1 include:_spf.hatena.ne.jp include:_spf.google.com include:mail.zendesk.com include:_spf.salesforce.com include:9008500.spf08.hubspotemail.net -all
TXT MS=AEC9C6BBEAC42285017CFFBFC86A26F198D64745
TXT MS=ms11945393
SOA ns-451.awsdns-56.com
hostmaster: awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com / serial: 1 / refresh: 7200 / retry: 900 / expire: 1209600 / minttl: 86400 /

WHOIS for hatena.ne.jp

[ JPRS database provides information on network administration. Its use is    ]
[ restricted to network administration purposes. For further information,     ]
[ use 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp help'. To suppress Japanese output, add'/e'     ]
[ at the end of command, e.g. 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp xxx/e'.                 ]
Domain Information:
a. [Domain Name]                HATENA.NE.JP
d. [Network Service Name]       hatena
l. [Organization Type]          Network Service
m. [Administrative Contact]     YK52331JP
n. [Technical Contact]          DT033JP
p. [Name Server]                ns-1239.awsdns-26.org
p. [Name Server]                ns-1574.awsdns-04.co.uk
p. [Name Server]                ns-451.awsdns-56.com
p. [Name Server]                ns-947.awsdns-54.net
s. [Signing Key]                
[State]                         Connected (2025/03/31)
[Lock Status]                   AgentChangeLocked
[Registered Date]               2014/03/18
[Connected Date]                2014/03/18
[Last Update]                   2024/04/01 01:03:12 (JST)