
Seen 9707 times on urlscan.io.

General Info Open in Search

Geo United States (US) —
Created April 24th, 2002
AS AS209242 - CLOUDFLARESPECTRUM Cloudflare London, LLC, US
Note: An IP might be announced by multiple ASs. This is not shown.
Route (Route of ASN)
IPv6 2407:30c0:182::aa72:3402

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Direct hits
Summary of pages hosted on this domain

Recent scans (9 total) Show all

us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_y6es-kqjR2uKpqYRe5LVgQ?utm_source=campaig... a year
franklincoveybrasil.zoom.us/webinar/register/8316952131121/WN_9Bo6eauRQCi4cFm... a year
th-koeln.zoom.us a year
arvato-scs.zoom.us/webinar/register/7417030657085/WN_1S6q54mEQxuksjEQofw-3Q a year
tamu.zoom.us a year

Incoming hits
Summary of pages that talked to this domain

Recent scans (9698 total) Show all

www.zoom.com 5 hours
pub-682ad3b65d944376b919745aae3c56d4.r2.dev/document25.html 7 hours
de-de.ring.com 10 hours
pub-864dd5559409407da817adb144831b51.r2.dev/bridge.html?user-agent=Mozilla/5.... 13 hours
www.zoom.com 15 hours


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Recent screenshots
Screenshots of pages hosted on this domain

Recently observed hostnames on 'zoom.us'
Searching for newly observed domains and hostnames is possible on our urlscan Pro platform.

us01sipso01-z.sp.zoom.us | 2025-02-14 us01sipso02-z.sp.zoom.us | 2025-02-14 us01sipio01-z.sp.zoom.us | 2025-02-14 us01sipio02-z.sp.zoom.us | 2025-02-14 eu01ccinginx01.ams.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 eu01ccinginx01.fra.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 eu01ccinginx02.ams.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 eu01ccinginx02.fra.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 eu01ccinginx03.ams.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 eu01ccinginx03.fra.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 eu01ccinginx04.ams.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 eu01ccinginx04.fra.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 eu01ccivoice-eu.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 eu01ccivoice01.ams.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 eu01ccivoice01.fra.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 rcc.servicesportal.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 pbxtest-va2.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 pbxtest-va.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 pbxtest.zoom.us | 2025-02-13 ca01sequence.zoom.us | 2025-02-12 contactservice-ams.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 contactservice-fra.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 contactservice-hkg.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 contactservice-sin.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 hybridupdate-ams.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 hybridupdate-fra.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 hybridupdate-hkg.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 hybridupdate-sin.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 provproxy-ams.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 provproxy-fra.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 provproxy-hkg.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 provproxy-sin.zoom.us | 2025-02-11 noname-re-me-jeddah-1.zoom.us | 2025-02-10 zva-gpu0-prod-aws-us-east-1.ai.cloud.zoom.us | 2025-02-10 zva-gpu0-prod-aws-us-east-2.ai.cloud.zoom.us | 2025-02-10 us01-omniai-i.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-omniai-va1-i.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-omniai-va1-internal-i.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-omniai-va1-internal.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-omniai-va1.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-omniai.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-xmpp-va1-internal.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-xmpp-va1.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-xmpp.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-xmpp-i.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-xmpp-va1-i.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 us01-xmpp-va1-internal-i.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 integrationus02va2ngx1.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 integrationus02va2ngx2.zoom.us | 2025-02-08 integrationus02vangx1.zoom.us | 2025-02-08

Attention: These domains and hostnames were discovered through Certificate Transparency (CT) Logs and have been irrevocably published as part of the public record. There is no mechanism for us or anyone else to remove this information from the Internet.

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Screenshots of pages that talked to this domain

DNS recordsRetrieved via DNS ANY query

A (TTL: 60)
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MX mxa-00569201.gslb.pphosted.com (Priority: 10)
MX mxb-00569201.gslb.pphosted.com (Priority: 10)
NS ns-387.awsdns-48.com
NS ns-1772.awsdns-29.co.uk
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NS ns-888.awsdns-47.net
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SOA ns-1137.awsdns-14.org
hostmaster: awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com / serial: 1 / refresh: 7200 / retry: 900 / expire: 1209600 / minttl: 86400 /
critical: 0 / issue: godaddy.com /
critical: 0 / issue: letsencrypt.org /
critical: 0 / iodef: mailto:security@zoom.us /
critical: 0 / issue: digicert.com /
critical: 0 / issue: sectigo.com /
critical: 0 / issue: pki.goog /
critical: 0 / issue: amazon.com /

Registration information

Created April 24th, 2002
Updated October 25th, 2023
Registrar MarkMonitor, Inc.

WHOIS for zoom.us

Domain Name: zoom.us
Registry Domain ID: D1813391-US
Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.markmonitor.com
Registrar URL: http://www.markmonitor.com
Updated Date: 2023-10-25T18:32:55+0000
Creation Date: 2002-04-24T15:03:39+0000
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2025-04-23T23:59:59+0000
Registrar: MarkMonitor, Inc.
Registrar IANA ID: 292
Registrar Abuse Contact Email: abusecomplaints@markmonitor.com
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.2086851750
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited (https://www.icann.org/epp#clientUpdateProhibited)
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited (https://www.icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited)
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited (https://www.icann.org/epp#clientDeleteProhibited)
Registrant Organization: Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
Registrant State/Province: CA
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Email: Select Request Email Form at https://domains.markmonitor.com/whois/zoom.us
Admin Organization: Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
Admin State/Province: CA
Admin Country: US
Admin Email: Select Request Email Form at https://domains.markmonitor.com/whois/zoom.us
Tech Organization: Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
Tech State/Province: CA
Tech Country: US
Tech Email: Select Request Email Form at https://domains.markmonitor.com/whois/zoom.us
Name Server: ns-1137.awsdns-14.org
Name Server: ns-888.awsdns-47.net
Name Server: ns-1772.awsdns-29.co.uk
Name Server: ns-387.awsdns-48.com
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System: http://wdprs.internic.net/
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2025-02-17T00:29:40+0000 <<<

For more information on WHOIS status codes, please visit:

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