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Recently observed hostnames on 'www.mascus.jp'
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www.mascus.jp | 2017-02-02

DNS recordsRetrieved via DNS ANY query

CNAME d3j8hhxwsh4jn.cloudfront.net

WHOIS for www.mascus.jp

[ JPRS database provides information on network administration. Its use is    ]
[ restricted to network administration purposes. For further information,     ]
[ use 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp help'. To suppress Japanese output, add'/e'     ]
[ at the end of command, e.g. 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp xxx/e'.                 ]
Domain Information:
[Domain Name]                   MASCUS.JP

[Registrant]                    Organization

[Name Server]                   ns5.leaseweb.nl
[Name Server]                   ns1.leaseweb.nl
[Name Server]                   ns4.leaseweb.net
[Name Server]                   ns0.leaseweb.nl
[Signing Key]                   

[Created on]                    2012/09/14
[Expires on]                    2024/09/30
[Status]                        Active
[Last Updated]                  2024/02/09 10:12:15 (JST)

Contact Information:
[Name]                          Organization
[Email]                         domains@mascus.com
[Web Page]                       
[Postal code]                   150-8512
[Postal Address]                Tokyo Shibuya City 26-1 Sakuragaokacho
                                Cerulean Tower 5F
[Phone]                         0354561601